“No, thank you,” was the consensus.

“Please have a seat.” Dad waved his arms toward the leather couch in his sitting area.

“Actually,” Mom sang, “I have something I want to give Holly first. And didn’t you want to say something, dear?” She gave Dad a meaningful look.

Oh, hell. They’d obviously scripted this whole thing and hadn’t smoothed out the rough edges.

Dad cleared his throat. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.” He looked between Holly and me. “You two are my A team now. And as such, I’m hoping you’ll lead the way in the team-building exercises. It’s important for productivity that we foster camaraderie.”

“Of course,” I answered, hoping we could move on from this farce.Holly and I needed to fine-tune our presentation for Artemis. We didn’t have time for games today.

Holly nodded, warily. She was a smart woman.

“With that said”—Mom handed her the bag—“I got you and Brandon matching ugly Christmas sweaters. You two are going to be the poster children for team spirit.”

Wow. She was really laying it on thick.

Holly grimaced while staring at the bag dangling in her face. If she didn’t quit today, it would be a miracle.

“Take it,” Mom insisted. “You can change in Bertram’s bathroom.”

Resigned, Holly sighed and took the bag.

While Holly tiptoed toward the bathroom, I threw myself onto the couch, silently berating my parents.

Mom sidled up to Dad and high-fived him.

I leaned my arms on my knees and planted my head in my hands, unable to watch.

“These kids are going to thank us one day,” Mom squealed quietly.

I didn’t even know my mother could squeal. Also, she was overconfident. Not sure Holly nor I would thank either of them anytime soon. If anything, Dad would be looking for another BDR in the near future.

Holly took her time in the bathroom, and no one could blame her. These ugly Christmas sweaters looked like a cry for help. I’d seen the ugly Christmas sweaters Holly used to make with her friends, and none of them came close to this level of hideousness.

“Honey, do you need some help?” Mom called out to Holly.

My head popped up, waiting for Holly to make her appearance.

Holly cracked open the bathroom door and peeked her gorgeous head out. “Well ... um ... The ornaments are, let’s say, tragically placed.”

I’d be lying if I said this information didn’t perk me up.

Mom rushed toward Holly. “Let’s see if we can fix that.”

Holly let Mom in the bathroom and closed the door, but Mom was less than discreet when she laughed out, “Those ornaments would certainly have all the men staring at your chest. Not that they probably aren’t already.”

Dad groaned uncomfortably while I shot him a look that said,You only have yourself to blame for this situation.He was feeding the monster that had been unleashed inside my mother.

Within a few minutes, Mom pulled Holly out of the bathroom. My eyes admittedly went straight to Holly’s chest. It appeared the ornament crisis had been averted.

“Look how cute our Holly looks,” Mom trilled.

Despite the ridiculous sweater, Holly was more than cute. She was a vision. Hints of the Holly I knew stood before me, making it feel like Christmas for the first time in a long time.

Holly nibbled on her bottom lip, obviously embarrassed by the attention.

“We should probably get to work. Holly and I need to discuss the Artemis presentation.” I tried to save us both.