They go at it again for a few more seconds before River reminds him to get our order. Once he does, he throws another jab at River and leaves.
“He’s great.” I roll my lips together to hold back my laugh.
He sighs with exhaustion, but smiles nonetheless. “Yeah, he is. Loves nothing more than to annoy me, but he’s pretty great.”
We laugh and simultaneously say, “You go first.”
We say nothing at first, but then he gives in and takes a sip of his coke. “So, tutoring? Are you tutoring Landon?”
My heart staggers and I hate that I didn’t go first.
From the moment I left the apartment, I made a mental block of anything that has to do with Landon. I was doing a good job at not thinking about him, until now.
We’ve been going at it for so long, I’ve become immune from feeling anything he ever says to me, but his comments earlier stung.
Funny he assumes he’d need help because he’s an athlete. At least, I think that’s why he would think Landon would need to be tutored.
“No, he’s actually tutoring me.” I force a smile and try to tame the embarrassment. “I’m struggling with Calc and he’s good at math, so he helps me.”
“Ah.” He nods understandingly and pauses, drumming his anxious fingers along the table. “He’s a little…intense? Isn’t he?”
That’s not what I expected him to follow up with. Actually, I didn’t expect the conversation to stray to Landon, but then flashbacks of River fanboying over him at Liquid resurface.
I should remind him that Landon is just a college basketball player. I seriously don’t understand the obsession or why he and everyone around campus treats Landon like a celebrity.
“He looks like it, but I swear he’s far from it.” I don’t mean to, but I scowl.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought him up, but he seemed more—” He abruptly stops talking.
“It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.”
“You know you shouldn’t bullshit.” The words are out before I can stop myself, but still, I carry on because why not. “It’s pointless, unnecessary, and a waste of time.”
He timidly smiles and licks his lips, reminding me of that stupid asshole. “He just seemed more intense than usual. Like he wanted to punch me.” He chuckles, but it’s so awkward and forced, I internally cringe.
“Don’t worry about him. He always looks like that…” No, he doesn’t. He’s always stoic. I’m sure he’s just seeing things, but River looks a little wound up about it, so I don’t tell him that. “Seriously, don’t worry about him. I don’t know him, but I’m sure there are not many things that make him happy.”
This time, he laughs and it sounds genuine. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring him up. Forget I said anything.”
“Sounds good to me.”
We spend the rest of dinner getting to know each other, and I have a good time for the most part. But my mind every so often wanders to hard lines, steel gray eyes, and ink. Like a cloud, it follows me everywhere, hovering over my head.
I hate myself for thinking of him, because I’m finally with someone who genuinely seems interested in me. It’s something I long for, but despite wanting someone who genuinely cares, I realize that I don’t feel anything for River.
No sparks, no tumbles, no butterflies. Nothing. Talking to him felt like talking to any other guy.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” River asks, parking outside my apartment.
There are a few parties going on tonight, but the biggest one is happening at Landon’s house. Basketball season officially starts in soon, so tonight is like a celebration to the new season.
Anyone and everyone is going to be there, meaning Cole, Sienna, and Landon, of course, because he lives there. The last thing I want is to run into any of them.