“I will not leave until you give me my stuff back.” I’m only screwing myself because class starts in ten minutes, and it seems like he’s walking to the other side of campus. But I refuse to back down.
“I advise that you find something else to obsess over.” He gives me a side-glance, nose wrinkled with disgust. “Following me will do nothing for you but get a restraining order.”
Now I really can’t help myself and laugh. “Me obsessed over you? Absolutely not. I’d say it’s the other way around.”
He stops in his tracks and faces me. “You’re nothing worth obsessing over.”
I exasperatedly sigh and place a hand over my chest. “Wow, you’ve wounded me. I’m so hurt, I’m not sure how I’ll ever recover.” I pout, feigning sadness in my voice.
“You’re a pain in my arse.” His words drip with disdain.
“Ditto.” I give him a tight-lipped smile. “Give me my stuff.”
He exhales a breath and stares to the side as if he’s considering it. When he glances back at me, he rolls his eyes and places the oatmeal in my hand.
“You’re welcome,” he says and walks away.
Fuck this.
I march up to him and snatch the cup out of his hand. “Fuck you. I hope you have a shitty day.”
“I swear, it’s unreal how beautiful he is,” Breanna, or Bre, my sorority sister, says from my right.
We’re currently waiting in class for Professor Ellis to arrive.
It’s a slight blessing we have Calc together. I say slight, because she’s not the greatest in math, so studying together isn’t going to happen, but it’s nice knowing I’m not alone.
I peek at her phone and grin when I see Saint Arlo’s Instagram page.
He may be two years younger than me, but it’s undeniable how beautiful he is. There’s no doubt he’s God’s favorite and took His painstaking time on him. Because how does one have such a symmetrical face? And the rest of his features look like they were carved out of stone. And he has jet-black hair and clear blue eyes. If that’s not the most divine combination, I don’t know what is.
“Yeah, he’s great to look at.” I flick my gaze back to my screen, switching from my public Instagram account to my private one.
Our sorority is very particular about what we post, and because of that, I’ve created a private account where I post whatever I want. It’s nice, because it’s like my personal diary, my happy place. I only follow a handful of people, so I know whatever I post, I’m not going to get judged for it or in trouble.
I understand. I signed up for the sorority life knowing there are rules to abide by, but sometimes, it gets exhausting. Pretending like I’m in love with all my sorority sisters, being at events I dread, and smiling and acting like I’m having a good time, when all I’m doing is counting down the minutes until I can go home.
The sorority itself isn’t bad. I’ve made good memories and met great girls like Bre, but there are some people like Sienna who make it unbearable.
The first person who appears on my feed is Daisy Diaz, Lola’s best friend. I met her last year and I’ve hung out with her a few times. She’s honestly pretty incredible, and I might be slightly obsessed with her.
She’s just so confident and effortless.
Daisy also has a public and private account. I follow her on both and she follows me on both.
“She’s hot. Who is that?” Bre says, peering at my screen.
“Right? Daisy Diaz.”
“Hmm…” she glances back at her screen. “I’m going to do it today.”
I like Daisy’s post and continue scrolling through my feed. “Do what?”
“Ask Saint to semi.”
I pause my scrolling, remembering that during our Chapter meeting she said she was going to ask him. “You definitely should. I don’t see why he would say no.”
I don’t know Saint like that, but from what I’ve heard, he doesn’t have a girlfriend, likes to get around a lot, and he’s extremely nice. I’ve also been around him a few times and I can say he’s friendly, smiles a lot, and is the total definition of a flirt.