He averts his gaze away. “Only if absolutely necessary.”
I pivot my body to face him and the leather seat squeaks with the movement. “Now you must confess your sin to me.”
His black brows cinch. “I must?”
“Yeah, what did you lie about?” I shouldn’t be intrigued because everyone lies, but Landon is the most blunt person I’ve ever met in my life.
He considers it for a moment and dryly chuckles. “That I slept with Polly.”
His admittance shocks me. “Polly? As in your best friend, my roommate Polly? Why would you have to do that?”
Landon drags his fingers through his thick hair. God, he really does have nice hair. “In high school, she dated Ashton, my stepbrother.” He doesn’t hide the scorn in his voice. “And no surprise, he cheated on her. I told her not to, but she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Mischief shines in his gaze. “I told her crying wasn’t worth it, but getting even was.”
Now I laugh, because that sounds like him. “Of course you’d say that. So what was the plan?”
“I told her to sleep over one night that he was out. The next morning, he found her leaving my room with my jumper on. The lie was not only worth watching the pathetic look on his face, but it helped Polly move on. So, it was a win-win for me,” he explains and sighs like he’s pleased with himself.
I grin. “Does he still believe you slept with her?”
“Yeah,” he proudly replies and stares off like he’s reminiscing but then drops his gaze to mine. “But that was only because it was necessary. Don’t ever feel like you need to lie or keep up a front, at least not with me. Be honest with me.”
“And you’ll be honest with me?”
“Always.” He stares at me like he’s making sure I understand he means it. And I know he does.
I rest the side of my head on the headrest, biting back a smile. “Okay…”
It’s only one word, but it feels like it’s finalizing something, like our version of a pinky promise.
“So do you want me to drop you off?” he questions.
“No, I want to stay with you.”
His expression softens. “You know I won’t let anything happen to you, right?”
I nod because I don’t doubt him. “I know.”
There’s a beat of silence, a comfortable one, but when he looks at me, his gaze singes me, and the atmosphere changes. It feels heavy and electric, and I know whatever he’s going to ask is going to make the already small space between us feel smaller and hotter.
“So, our tutoring contract,” he starts. “What do you want it to entail?”
Leave it to Landon to be open and straight to the point, but I’m not complaining.
I sit up and remove the hoodie because I’m hot. The heat is low, but still, it feels like it got warmer.
I swallow thickly. “Do you not want to give your input?”
He said he doesn’t want other guys touching me or me wearing their clothes, but I figured maybe he’d want to add more.
“No, I want whatever you want,” he states gravely, leaving no room for me to question him.
I struggle not to squeeze my thighs at the dull throb that comes out of nowhere. “So…you’ll be okay withjustsleeping with me?”
“Julianna, you’re all that I think about. There’s no room left in my mind for anyone else. I’m more than okay with it.”
The matter-of-fact sound in his voice and intent look in his eyes doesn’t leave room for me to question or hesitate what Landon wants. I didn’t doubt him before, but now more than ever, I’m reassured and have never felt more wanted.