Page 125 of Only With You

It’s fine. You’re fine.

I chant in my head as I try to reach out to everyone I know, but it seems they’re all working or not answering.

I consider calling my parents, but what will they do? They’re in California and it’s doubtful they’ll even answer.

“Damn it.” I make sure my doors are locked and consider my other options, but I don’t have more…except. No, he’s busy. Malik posted a story on his Instagram a few minutes ago with all the guys from the team at the bowling alley, and Landon’s there.

But he knows cars, and I know that because I may or may not have watched him do Gabby’s oil change.

I weigh my options, but as I stare into the distance and see nothing but darkness, I shoot him a quick text.

Me: Hey, can I call?

It doesn’t take him a second before he replies.

Spawn of Satan: Yeah, always.

I kill the flutters in my stomach because this isn’t the time. Before I get the chance to call him, he calls me.

I swipe my finger across the screen and press the phone to my ear. “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you?—”

“You’re not bothering me. Are you all right?”

The loud music in the background would say otherwise, and I hear someone tell Landon it’s his turn, but he tells them to wait.

“Yeah, yeah, I just—” I peer at the hood and note the smoke is gone. “It’s nothing actually. Sorry for bothering you. I don’t want to hold you up.”

“Julianna, you’re not bothering me. What’s wrong?” he says, his words deep and sincere.

I drum my fingers on the steering wheel and sigh. “There was smoke coming out of the hood, and because I know you know about cars, I thought I’d call, but I think I should be okay now. The smoke is gone and?—”

“How long ago was this?”

“Just a minute or two ago, but I think I should be?—”

“Where are you?” He cuts me off, and in the background, I hear him tell someone he’s leaving.

“Landon, you don’t need to leave. I should be?—”

“Don’t start the car. You need to let it cool down,” he orders and the music in the background becomes fainter before I don’t hear it anymore. “Where are you?”

“It’s okay. I really don’t want to bother you.”

Why didn’t I just think of calling a tow truck and getting an Uber before?

Because you panicked, that’s why.

“Julianna, you’renotbothering me. I’ve been daftly waiting all day for you to reply. Now, tell me where you are.” The demand in his voice is nonnegotiable, and I’d argue if I wasn’t still stuck on him saying he’s been waiting all day.

“It’s a little weird to explain. I’ll just share my location with you.” I send it to him before I blow out a breath. “Did you get it?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there soon. Don’t get out of your car.”

“Don’t you worry, I wasn’t planning on it.” I awkwardly chuckle, looking around the dark road. “If this were a horror movie, I’d probably be dead already.”

“Why’s that?” Humor taints his voice.

“Don’t act like you don’t know. The hot ditzy blonde always dies first.”