I blankly stare. “Sources? El, stop reading whatever B.S.The Unfiltered Threehave to say or anyone, for that matter.”
The Unfiltered Threeis a podcast run by three girls who go to NCU. Whether it’s about the sororities, the athletes, the drama—it doesn’t matter what it is—everything’s fair game if it’s about the university.
“It’s not really B.S. You know they’ve been on point about a lot of things, but they’re not who I heard it from.”
She’s not lying. They have been right about many things, unfortunately.
“I don’t care what they or anyone else has to say. I’d never stoop low for someone like him.” I recoil at the thought.
She sighs. “You really suck and ruin the fun.”
“Please don’t ever suggest a thing like that again.”
As much as I hate being alone, I’m so thankful Gabby and Polly are working. I desperately want to—no, Ineedto get off.
After my conversation with El earlier today, I decided I didn’t need a guy. I can get off and still feel great on my own.
I step into my closet, part my shirts hanging on the rack, and dig until I find my box. After popping the lid off, I grab my hot pink dildo, set the box back, and pad over to my bed.
Despite feeling desperate for release, I need to play with myself to feel satisfied. And I’m embarrassed to admit out loud, but I need to play out certain…fantasies to get off.
I remember asking Parker to be rougher, to go harder, but when he did, he’d come before I did. Even when he wasrougherandharder, it didn’t feel enough.
Lying on my bed naked, I bring the dildo into my mouth and suck on it until it’s wet enough. Parting my legs, I bend my knees, and with my free hand, I tweak my pebbled nipple. Before I get to drag the tip along my slit, a hard pound at the front door stops me.
I contemplate getting it, but then the knocking stops. Blowing out a breath, I drag the tip along my slit and roll my nipple between my thumb and index finger until I’m wet enough. But right as I’m about to insert it, the pounding returns, taking over the silent apartment.
Ignoring it, I pick up where I left off, but the incessant pounding doesn’t stop.
“Oh my God,” I grumble, squeezing my eyes shut.
I want to scream, because now I’m not in the mood, and I’m angry.
Tossing the stupid dildo somewhere on my bed, I grab my robe and storm out of my room. I march straight to the front door and open it, but I don’t manage to get a word out.
“Finally. Let me in.” Irritation laces Landon’s voice.
“No.” I shove the door, but before it slams in his face, he stops it and pushes it back open. “What the hell is the matter with you? I said no for a reason.”
“I wasn’t asking you. I said, let me in.” He barges past me and toes his shoes off.
I stare dumbfounded as he walks around me, crouches down, and looks underneath the couch and then the other one.
Blinking out of my stupor, I fold my arms against my chest, boiling with rage inside. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing? Did you not hear what I said? I said no.”
He sits up on his knees and stares at me like I’m the one who’s inconveniencinghim. “You’d know peace if you’d shut up.”
Digging my fingernails into the heel of my palm, I chant my mantra in my head.
Let it go. He’s not worth it. Ignore it.
Breathe in. Breathe?—
Screw breathing out.
“I’d know peace if you’d leave,” I retort.
He ignores me, stands to his full height, and pulls out the cushions from the couch.