If openingmy door is the bare minimum, I wonder what Landon considers going above and beyond?
Like Halloween, he extends his hand out for me. I grab my purse and take his hand.
“Thanks. You really didn’t have to—” I clamp my lips shut when he shoots me a glare, daring me to apologize. “It’s a habit, but thanks for coming to my rescue, the hoodie, and the orgasm. They were all greatly appreciated.”
That earns me a tiny, roguish smile from him. “You’re welcome.”
He leans his back against his car, crossing his arms over his chest, making his shirt stretch at his shoulders and arms.
I look over at the apartment complex to stop myself from gawking at him again and hike my purse up before I direct my attention on him. “I guess I should go inside now. Thanks for everything again.”
He stares at me for a beat, brushing his fingers along his chain. “Stay with me.”
That takes me by surprise and I stumble back. “You want me to spend the night?”
“Yes, I want you to spend the night,” he reassures and reaches for me, taking a hold of my hips. I do nothing but let him draw me into him until I’m settled between his parted legs and I’m firmly pressed to his hard body. “Stay the night.”
A shiver rolls down my spine. It has nothing to do with the cold, but how my body reacts to him and the way he looks at me. It’s not the way he did when we were in the car, lost in the cloudy haze of our lust. It’s different, wistful, and delicate like the way he holds me.
“Stay the night,” he repeats, his hands gliding to the small of my back and mine to his chest.
I grab his chain, loop my finger around the cold metal, and gently tug on it. He shudders beneath my touch, goosebumps erupting from his sternum and spreading to his collarbone.
“I’m going to have to think about it. I don’t do sleepovers.”
It’s true. I never sleep over at a guy’s place. Not only because I know they will judge me if I ask if we can keep a light on, but I love to sleep with a body pillow. If I can’t have that, then it’s a no for me. I know I asked him to stay over, but that’s a little different. I was comfortable in my place and as comfortable I am with him, I’d take over his bathroom and room with all my stuff.
His hand crawls up my spine, twining through my hair before he settles on the ends and gently tugs them. “Let me rephrase that. You’re staying with me.”
“Oh?” My brows jump at the dead set tone in his voice. “I didn’t agree.”
“I wasn’t asking,” he challenges, holding my stare.
If this was anyone else, I’d walk away, but I can’t help but feel anchored. I like how there’s no hesitation. He wants me to stay over. If there’s anything Landon is going to be, it’s an assertive communicator.
“I have an extensive nightly skincare routine.”
“I’ve seen you do it.”
“I sleep with a body pillow.”
“You used me as your body pillow the other night. That’s not a problem.”
I don’t remember that, because when I woke up, the pillow was still situated between my legs. Did he put it back?
I continue to fiddle with his chain, chewing nervously on my bottom lip. “I need a light on.”
“If that’s what makes you feel safe and comfortable, I’ve no problem with it.”
My heart stutters and warmth floods my body. “I like to listen to music before bed.”
He shrugs, determination flaring in his eyes. “Good, me too. Anything else?”
Rolling my lips together, I pretend to think, but I know nothing I say or do will deter him from getting me to sleep over.
I stall, letting the silence simmer between us, but one corner of his mouth tweaks upward, and slowly, a smug smile blooms on his face.