
I wrapped the leftover roast and tucked it away, along with the last of the asparagus and one lone baked sweet potato. Our mate had really liked what I made, and nothing could have lifted my spirits more. She was the one for us, and we could only hope she felt the same. If I could help that along with food…I was all in.

The cobbler was my grandmother’s recipe, and I’d been lucky to find fresh blackberries this late in the season, especially big, gorgeous sweet ones. Serving three big scoops in bowls, I topped them with creamy vanilla-bean ice cream and set them all on a tray. “Anyone want coffee?” I called, but they both declined, so I added spoons and napkins to my tray and sailed into the living room. I had only been away from our mate for a few minutes, but I missed her already.

They were sitting on the sofa facing the fireplace where a fire was crackling merrily, the flames the only light in the room. I set the dessert down on the low table in front of them and sat on Poe’s other side.

“We haven’t really had a chance to talk much,” she said. “You must have questions for me.”

I reached out and took her hand. “Is this all right?” Stroking her palm with my thumb, I felt her shiver.

“It’s fine,” she said. “Dinner was so good.”

I reached for the spoon in the nearest bowl. “Ready to try dessert?” I scooped up some of the fruit and topping and ice cream.

“Maybe just a bite.”

“Then open those beautiful lips and take a taste.” She did as I asked, and I was so shocked at my boldness. “Is it good?”

Her moan was almost more than I could handle. Not wanting to overstep any more than I already had, I released her hand and pressed the bowl into it. “Enjoy!”

I had a lot of things I wanted to ask her, to learn how she felt about various things that were important to me, to us…to a possible future together, but as we all ate our cobbler, her eyes were droopy and she sat curled up with her feet under her. She ate the cobbler but then just held onto the spoon as if she forgot it was in her hand until I took it and the bowl and set them down. “I think you might be tired.”

She rubbed at her eyes and offered a weary smile. “Probably look wrung out, huh? Not the impression I wanted to make.”

Hemlock wrapped an arm around her and she let her head fall on his shoulder. “You look beautiful, Poe, but you had a long drive and a longer day. It’s fine to go to bed early.”

“But we haven’t even really talked and I thought we’d get to know each other, maybe have some wine…instead I’m whining.”

“You’re not whining.” I picked up her hand again and linked our fingers. “But you do need rest.”

She yawned wide and dropped her chin toward her chest. “I don’t think I’ll sleep much.”

“It’s all right if you don’t, but maybe just give it a try?” I kissed her hand, letting my lips linger on the back. “You can even take a cat nap right here if you want.”

“That might be nice.”

“Or I could carry you up to your room. We have a big comfortable bed there for you.”

“That sounds nice.” Rubbing her cheek on Hemlock’s shirt, she sighed. “How do I feel so comfortable already, even without being in bed. I am not quick to become friends usually.”

“We’re not your friends,” I mused. “I hope we will be more.”

“We could be that too,” Hemlock said, stroking an escaped lock of hair back from her cheek. “Friends, I mean. If that’s all you want.”

Please don’t let that be all she wants.

“Tonight, all I want is to sleep.” She snuggled closer to Hemlock but held tight to my hand. “But I don’t think I want to wake up all knotted up from the couch when you went to the trouble to set up a bed for me. You’re just both so warm.”

“How about if we come up and sleep with you,” I heard myself saying.

They both stared at me.

“To sleep I mean,” I clarified. “And keep you warm.”

Hemlock grinned at me. “We are a bit warmer even than most shifters. You’d never need an electric blanket with us.”

“I’m sold.” She pushed to her feet, slowly. “But just sleeping…for now.”