From what I saw, they were just what I was looking for in partners. Gorgeous, sure, but there was more. They were hard workers. Most people who worked for themselves had to be, but I’d gone one step further. I’d searched their business online andfound they had raving reviews. Some horse owners said they brought their animals three states over to have Grendel and Hemlock shoe them when another blacksmith messed up.



Great with animals.

Didn’t sound like a pair of demons to me.

They owned their own home and workshop. Their physiques showed the proof of their jobs. Muscles for days, but you could also tell they didn’t turn down a steak dinner. A little extra to keep me warm at night.

Two men I was sure to feel safe with, which was what I was aiming for. My wolf demanded it.

They’d sent me a cute message the night before.

It seems we are a match. We’d love to talk to you more. We listened to some of your podcast episodes. Let us know if you’d like to talk. Here or via text.

Grendel and Hemlock.

They were adorable. They listened to my podcast? I wondered what their opinion of it was. Did they like it?

Goddess, I never cared very much about the opinions of others. But now I found myself craving their acceptance and approval.

My wolf was going nuts inside me.

If she had her way, we would be on a plane, train, or in a car, already on our way to them.

I put my phone down and went for a quick walk around the block to clear my head. The fresh fall air along with the chill of the wind did my mind good. I considered my options. Ignore the message and my wolf’s instincts, or go along with it and take another chance.

Taking chances on love was scarier than the vampire. And that was saying something.

By the time I got home, my mind was made up and my wolf was in full agreement. We would accept the match and message back.

I sent them a quick reply and decided to take a long bath to relax, when my phone beeped.

A response?


I picked it up and read it twice to make sure. They wanted to video chat.

Holy shit.

Chapter Ten


I threw on one of my blue chambray button-down shirts and paired it with a pair of black pants. Poe wouldn’t be able to see that, but I wanted to put on something nice. The whole thing was kind of like a first date, and I wanted to make the best impression I could on Poe.

Grendel and I had binged her podcast episodes since seeing her profile. We listened to them in the truck, on headphones—we even had a portable speaker playing them while we ate dinner, did household chores, and cooked.

When we turned it off, getting ready for the video chat, our home seemed empty without her voice.

I couldn’t wait to hear it again, but this time she wouldn’t be speaking to a generalized audience. She would be speaking directly to us.

“Are you ready?” Grendel asked, tucking in his shirt and fixing his hair for the thirtieth time that morning. Most times he threw a hat on but not today.

Not for our maybe—probably—hopefully mate.