I can’t look away.
It makes this wait so much worse, because it feels like it’s been forever.
I want to throw up from nerves. Or pregnancy. I guess I am about to find out.
Two lines appear on both tests, starting as a faint hint and then growing more and more bold, until they are both solid and unmistakable.
I am pregnant.
I am pregnant.
With Alexei’s baby.
I start crying, because I don’t have any idea what else to do.
They are heavy sobs of hurt and fear and confusion and feeling so incredibly alone.
Suddenly, the bathroom door bursts open and my uncle rushes in.
“I heard you crying—"
He stares at me, sitting on the edge of the bath holding my face in my hands, then his gaze drifts over to the bathroom counter.
Now, I really am going to throw up.
“Pregnant?” he growls in anger. “You’re pregnant? From the kidnapping? Some animal forced…" His words fall short and he swallows hard.
“I will kill them. I will tear them apart. I will make them suffer in the most unimaginable ways.”
His face is bright red, his temples throbbing with veins of anger.
I sit dead still, wishing I was invisible.
“You are going to stay in your room now, Clara. I have to keep you safe.”
And with that, he turns and leaves the bathroom, leaving that door open but closing my bedroom door. I jump up and run towards it, grabbing the handle and pulling it down. It doesn’t budge. It’s locked from the outside.
“Uncle Giorgio, you can’t do this,” I scream through the door. “You can’t lock me up in here.” But he’s long gone, off to tear the world down. Off to seek revenge on my behalf, but not taking a moment to ask me if I am okay.
I sink down to the floor of my bedroom and pull my knees close to my chest and cry for a very, very long time.
Chapter 24 - Alexei
I arrive at Giorgio’s house after receiving an invitation to the latest alliance party.
I hate these things, and most of them I manage to avoid, but this time I am going for one reason—because I want to see Clara.
I don’t care if it’s just for a minute, from a distance. If I can just watch her for a little while from across the room…
I just need to see her.
I can’t stand this anymore. This massive, empty black hole where my heart used to be filled with her.
Oleg and Anya are standing by the bar when I walk in. I wander over to them.
“Alexei. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come tonight.”
“I thought I’d better show my face a bit.”