She’ll find someone else. She’ll be happy.
I swing my fist back and slam it into the glass, shattering the entire mirror. A big spider web of cracks splinters through it and chunks of glass dislodge and shatter on the floor. I stare atthem, detached, separate from all of this. As though I am not me and I am not here.
Then I turn to leave, warm blood dripping from my knuckles.
Fuck this place.
I’m going home.
I need to sleep.
I need to…
I need Clara.
Chapter 23 - Clara
It’s a constant drain on my energy and my heart to be thinking about him nonstop like this.
I wish there was a switch I could just turn off.
I don’t want to be so in love with him anymore. I don’t want him to be in my thoughts every moment of every day.
I throw the book I have been trying to read for the past hour.
Then I feel a wave of guilt and rush to pick it up, carefully checking the pages to see if I have damaged any of them.
I sigh in relief to see the book is totally fine. Then I mentally apologize to it, stroke my hand across the cover and place it on my nightstand.
What is wrong with me?
I love books.
I don’t throw stuff.
I don’t lose my temper like that.
I was staring at that one paragraph for an hour, reading it over and over again and not taking a single word of it in.
I was frustrated. That’s all.
This whole thing—I have never felt this way before and I don’t understand it. I don’t know how to handle it.
And to make matters worse, I feel really alone in this whole situation. Who the hell can I talk to about it? I can’t let my uncle find out anything. He’s going ballistic, wanting to find the person who kidnapped me and quite literally tear them apart.
My phone buzzes and in a delusional moment of excitement I think it’s Alexei.
How ridiculous am I?
I open the messenger app.
Tia: Hey girl. Are you busy today? I wanted to book us a girls' day out, spend some time with you—if you feel like it. I know you’ve been through a lot lately.
Oh my word. I would love to get out of the house and try to clear my mind. Tia is also married to Alexei’s brother, so maybe she knows something about what Alexei has been up to. I’m dying to know. The smallest bit of information about him might just settle my thoughts.
Me: I’d love to get out for a bit. What time and where do you want to go?
Tia: I’ll come fetch you in thirty minutes. Wear something really comfy. We are going for a spa day.