“Alex,” Oleg shouts angrily.
“Keep your fucking voice down,” I hiss.
“We are taking her with us.”
“You aren’t. And this conversation is now over. You can let yourselves out.”
I walk out of the living room, no longer able to stand the sight of sadness on Anya’s face or the look of rage on Oleg’s.
But when I turn my back on them, I don’t expect what happens next.
Never in a million years would I expect what happens next.
A sharp pain stabs into my neck. I reach up to grab at whatever has stung me. My fingers wrap around something foreign, and I pull it from my skin, staring at it in disbelief.
A syringe.
I spin around and see Oleg, just behind me, his face contorted with regret.
“I’m sorry Alex, but we can’t let you keep putting the family at risk—"
His voice moves and sways in the air, blurring in and out, louder then softer.
The edges of my vision begin to fuzz over, and I blink over and over again, but it’s no use.
Whatever was in that syringe is making my legs feel heavier than they’ve ever felt. My hands feel limp as my arms drop to my side. The syringe drops to the floor and rolls away from me.
I try to speak, to shout, to tell Oleg he’s an asshole, but my tongue doesn’t even move, and I let out a heavy sigh as I fall to the ground in slow motion—Clara is the last thing on my mind before the world swallows me up and wraps me in a thick black darkness.
Chapter 21 - Clara
“Hey, wake up.” The harsh morning greeting is not one that I am used to at this point, and I scrunch my eyes closed tighter, thinking it must be a bad dream.
“Clara. Wake up.” The unfamiliar voice comes through into my thoughts again. Someone’s hand is on my arm, shaking me awake. I sigh, rolling over, and open my eyes. Through the confused moment of first waking up I see two strangers standing over my bed.
The sight of them sends adrenaline shooting through my body so that I am instantly alert and sitting up in bed.
Staring at Anya and Oleg. I blink several times trying to sort out the confusion in my mind while I pull the blankets up over my chest. I’m not even wearing pajamas. My cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Anya is right over my bed, leaning towards me, her hand hovering as though she was the one who shook me.
“What is going on? Where is Alex?” I blurt out once I find my voice.
Oleg steps away from the bed, looking awkward.
Well, you want to come rushing into a girl's bedroom and waking her up, you should be embarrassed.
Anya looks a lot more comfortable than he does. I guess she’s seen breasts before. I glare at her, wanting answers.
“What are you guys doing in here?” I ask more sternly.
“It’s time to go home, Clara,” Anya says. “We came to fetch you.”
“I—I’m not going home now?” My heart sinks right to the pit of my stomach. I don’t want to go home. I’m not ready for this. Why?
Why now?
“Where is Alex?” I ask again, seeing as no one has bothered answering me.