It’s a warm, comforting smile.
“I checked in on you when I got back, but you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t want to wake you.”
I sit up, blinking away the groggy feeling and rubbing my eyes. The book falls off my lap, landing on the floor with a thud. “What were you reading?” Alexei asks as he bends down to pick it up. “Oh, this is a good one.”
“How long ago did you get back?”
“A few hours. You’ve been fast asleep for ages.”
“Really? I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean to—"
“Don’t be silly. You obviously needed the rest.” He flicks through the pages of the book. “Did anything catch your eye?”
“In the book. Did anything look interesting?”
I smile. He doesn’t even seem angry anymore. “All of it. But um—especially Peru, the ruins—and maybe the temples in Cambodia."
“A girl who likes to explore the less refined places. The wild places.”
“Yes," I nod, trying to read his face.
“Those are exactly the places I would choose to go as well.”
He hands the book back to me. I take it, staring into his eyes.
Is he really not angry anymore?
“Come on, I’ve made us some dinner.” He holds his hand out and I place mine in his. He pulls me to my feet, and for a moment, I am pressed against his chest, and he is looking down at me with that gorgeous face of his, his bright blue eyes pulling me in.
Then, unexpectedly, he leans down and kisses me.
My heart does a full summersault as our lips press together.
Maybe he was never angry with me. Maybe he just got scared like I did when he left. Maybe it was panic or fear that made him come across so cold this morning.
He leads me out of the sunroom and downstairs. I lift my nose and breathe in.
“What is that? It smells amazing.”
“I made something special for you.”
Walking into the dining room, I am absolutely floored by the scene before me.
He has set up the most romantic dinner for us.
Candles are flickering across the table, throwing warm light in all directions. Soft music is drifting through the roomand the table has been set up as though it was the most luxurious hotel.
He leads me to my seat, pulling out the chair for me and then sliding it in behind me.
Then, looking proud and excited, he lifts the lid of the big blue ceramic pot in the center of the table.
“Lamb shanks with mushroom and garlic sauce. Roast potatoes and—I made two different veggies because I wasn’t sure which one you would prefer.”
“You did all this while I was sleeping?” I ask in shock.
“I did. I really hope you like it—“