I watch her closely, my thoughts in a bit of a mess, as we finish packing up.

Then, without speaking, I help her up the small rock face and back to the little cliff that leads us home.

We walk without words, sullen and heavy, guilt and confusion on my mind.

After about fifteen minutes I push open the back gate of the property and let her inside. She walks away from me, into the house, dropping the blankets near the front door, then going straight to the bedroom.

I want to follow her, but I don’t know what to say.

Standing outside the bedroom door, I hesitate for a long time.

When I hear the shower turn on, I sigh and walk back downstairs.

I’ll shower in the guest bathroom—and then I need to think of something I can do to let her know I didn’t mean to be that harsh.

I don’t want to ruin everything that has been going so well between us lately—especially after last night.

Which was so perfect.

Chapter 17 - Clara

I feel terrible.

The walk back to the forest mansion is the longest walk of my life, and the silence between us is weighing heavily on me. I keep glancing over at Alexei, but he looks furious. And I can’t even blame him.

I did to him the exact same thing that I was so furious with him about—just leaving without saying anything. I know what it feels like, and I didn’t even think when I got up early and went to walk around the forest a little.

I was in such a good mood—I slept so well.

I even thought he would be kind of proud of me for finding those berries and knowing what they were.

But instead of that, I got back to find him in a panic.

And I feel terrible about it.

When we arrive back home, Alexei holds the gate open for me but says nothing.

I walk inside with a heavy heart.

I think he is going to be mad at me forever.

Making my way upstairs, I decide to just give him some space, and perhaps when he is more open to it, I can try and talk to him and tell him that I am really sorry—I really didn’t mean to upset him like that.

The shower is hot and feels amazing against my skin. Reluctantly I wash off the scent of the forest and Alexei. I hope that he can find a way to accept my apology.

Things have been going so well, and as stupid as it might be, as insane as it sounds—I kind of have to admit that I am starting to feel something for him.

It scares me.

I’ve been thinking about it for a few days already, but then last night—it was so amazing that it made me fall for him even more.

He is just so perfect, so caring and funny and spontaneous. He is full of life and surprises—the perfect man.

But now I’ve gone and ruined that.

I let the water run over my body, hoping that it will wash this tension away and clear my mind enough so that I can figure out the right thing to say to him.

Climbing out the shower, I feel fresh and clean, but nothing beats the way that ice-cold river water made me feel. I grin when I remember it, the moment I jumped in and it was so cold it stopped my lungs from working.