I stand on uneven ground, totally blind to the world around me, my body reluctant to move forward because I can’t see a damned thing.
“Just trust me,” Alex chuckles, his hands on my waist as he guides me forward.
The blindfold is so effective that I can’t even see the light peeking through the fabric covering my eyes.
It’s still daytime, and I know we are outside. I can feel the sun on my skin, but I can’t see anything.
I grip his wrists as he steadies me. His hands feel warm against my waist.
“I feel like I’m going to trip on something,” I complain, walking along the sloping ground outside. All I know is that we are outside the main fence behind Alexei’s forest mansion. He took me out into the garden, then stopped me just as we left the property.
At the back gate, he tied this blindfold over my eyes, and since then—about fifteen minutes ago—he has been leading me to only heaven knows where.
It’s scary and exciting, to be completely trusting someone else like this. I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t think I’ve ever let someone blindfold me before. It’s an act of faith in a lot of ways.
“We arealmostthere,” he says behind me. “You doing okay?”
“I can’t take much more of this,” I giggle, but the truth is that for some reason, I feel completely comfortable letting himlead me, blind as a bat, through the forest at the back of the house. I’m actually having fun.
I don’t know when the change happened, but in Alexei’s hands I feel safer than I have ever felt before. It sounds ridiculous considering that this is the man who kidnapped me, almost caused me to fall off a cliff (to be fair, he did save my life then, too) and held me against my will as a prisoner in his house.
So I don’t know why I’ve had a change of heart towards him. At first, I thought maybe it was just a physical thing. Something like anideathat turned me on when we made love, but it isn’t. It’s more than that. Itrusthim—even with my life.
Whether that is good or not is a whole different can of worms that I don’t even want to think about opening.
I've decided that for now, whatever is going on, I am just going to enjoy it.
Sure, he might get bored with this whole thing and want to get rid of me soon and—send me back to my uncle? Who knows. The thought of going back to my life at my uncle's place makes me want to cry, so I push it away and refuse to acknowledge that it might be a very real possibility soon.
I kick something hard, a rock or a log. It doesn’t hurt, but it does give me a fright.
“Lift your foot a little higher,” he chuckles.
“Hey, you are the only one who can see right now," I laugh.
“You’re doing so well—just a few more meters.”
“What is that sound?” I ask, needing to talk louder as we get closer to it. Water? A soft rumbling?
“You’re about to find out.”
He stops walking and pulls me to a stop with him. He doesn’t lift his hands off me, instead sliding them up from my waist, over my ribs, onto my shoulders. He pulls me back a little so that I am leaning against him.
“Are you ready?” he sounds excited.
“More than ready,” I laugh.
“Take a deep breath in before I take the blindfold off. Tell me what you can smell. Tell me what you feel.”
I lean fully against him, melting against his body.
I quiet my thoughts and listen; then, I let my senses take over for a moment.
The air feels crisp. It smells really fresh, scented with pine and a rich earthy smell, but sweet and inviting.
“It smells like we are a million miles from the city, right in the heart of nature. The air feels like it is a little damp, like we are standing in mist. It smells like it’s just rained. You know when the grass has been shaken around a little and you can see how bright green it is…?"
I feel his hands untying the blindfold. He lets it drop slowly from my face and I blink my eyes open.