“How the fuck do you accidentallykidnapsomeone?” Anya says sarcastically.
“I don’t know.” I throw my hands in the air, defensively.
“Leon is going to be furious, and Yefim—Yefim has been out there looking for the girl…." Oleg is pacing up and down the front step.
“No,” I say quickly. “You can’t tell Yefim or Leon.”
“How the fuck are we supposed to keep this from them, Alexei?” Oleg asks angrily.
“Just—I just need some time.” I plead.
“We can’t do this, Alexei.” Anya says. “We can’t just let this slide and watch Yefim help search for her. You’ve created such a huge problem here for everyone. People are going to find out what is going on.”
“Please, guys—just a bit of time.”
Behind me, the front door opens, and Clara is standing there in fresh clothes. She has changed into a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. Her hair is pulled up into a bun and she is smiling nervously.
Everyone’s eyes are on her, including mine. I am not quite sure what to do at this point. Is she going to try and run? Is she going to try and convince them to tell me to let her go?
I hold my breath without realizing it.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Clara says, “Why don’t you guys all come inside—it’s getting pretty cold out here.” She pulls the door all the way open and steps to the side.
We all stare at her blankly. This is not the behavior any of us would have expected from someone I am holding prisoner.
She smiles.
“Uh…yeah, come in, guys. We can talk about this inside.”
Oleg looks bewildered. Anya’s eyes are narrowed towards Clara as though she is expecting her to pull out a knife or something.
Anya moves first, walking through the door with her eyes locked onto Clara.
Clara steps back a little, sensing the tension.
Oleg follows Anya into my place, and I feel my jaw clenching tightly as I walk behind them, then gesture for Clara to follow while I close and lock the front door securely.
We all head through to the living room in silence.
Clara sits down first; oddly, she seems to be the least stressed-out person in this house right now.
I sigh and sit down next to her, but then I stand up again.
“I’m getting everyone a drink. What are you all having?”
“Vodka soda,” Anya says.
“Yeah, that will be fine,” Oleg agrees.
Glancing at Clara, I just say, “Wine?”
She nods.
I bring another bottle of the same wine we had with our cheese board, and two vodka sodas for my siblings.
I pour Clara and I each a glass of wine, then sit down again.
Anya lets out a massive sigh as we all continue to sit in awkward silence. Then she blurts out, “Alexei, just let us take her home with us tonight. We can drop her at her uncle's place and—"