I don’t even understand what has made her this upset. Or fearful.
“Clara, what is going?” I say when she ducks out of reach a second time.
I’m trying to be patient, but this is starting to upset me as well.
“You left," she says, a heated, harsh whisper.
“I went out for a little while.” I reply.
“No, you left—and I thought you got bored with this little game you’ve been playing and that you were never going to come back. All of the doors are locked and so is every window. I was trapped in here with absolutely no way of ever getting out—no one knows where I am—and you left me to die here.”
I didn’t mean for her to think that.
Why the hell would she think I would do something like that?
“Clara, I would never leave you like that,” I say as gently as I can.
She says nothing, her lips pursed together tightly, the sting of betrayal clear in her eyes.
I need to make her understand.
Chapter 11 - Clara
I shake my head, annoyed and not willing to back down and just accept that he left me here without an explanation of any kind.
I’ve been angry for two hours.
Well, it didn’t start as anger—it started as panic. The panic soon turned into fear.
The fear stayed there, settled into my blood, coursing through me, right up until I saw his car arriving in the driveway and him ever so casually climbing out and walking up to the front door.
Then all of the panic and all of the fear had turned into rage.
Who the hell does that to someone?
He’s already kidnapped me, so I know he’s willing to harm me in some way. He’s holding me against my will, and I have no idea what his limits are for what he is prepared to do to me.
It wasn’t an unrealistic assumption to make when I thought he had decided to just leave me here if I was too annoying or too much to deal with.
He could just walk away and not ever think about me again, for all I know.
“Clara." He says my name again, and I want to slap him in the face.
Instead, I start pacing up and down the entrance foyer. I have to do something with all of this extra adrenaline.
“Clara, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. I wouldn’t just leave you here like that.”
I shake my head again, I’m not just going to let this go. What he did—it wasn’t fair at all.
I turn to walk away because I’m done talking. I am just over this.
But he grabs my arms and pulls me back towards him.
As I stare up at him with my body pressed against his chest, he looks down at me with his eyes narrowed.
His voice is low when he says, “You are going to have to forgive me. You can’t stay mad at me over a misunderstanding.”