I watch as his face changes, dropping. Anger morphing into hurt. His eyes darken, but in a deeper way, as though he is closing off.

My words have really hurt him.

I have cut into his heart.

Now I am the monster. I am the one causing pain I never intended to cause.

I close my eyes and press my fingers against them.

Taking a deep breath, I try and fight the guilt I feel.

I am not that person. I am not cold-hearted or cruel, no matter the situation.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

His eyes narrow towards me.

“I’m sorry I said that. You aren’t a monster, Alexei, I didn’t mean to say that. I was just angry.” I sigh softly.

He takes a step towards me, slow, unsure.

“But"—I shake my head and hold my hand up, warning him to keep his distance—“I won’t forgive you for kidnapping me. Or keeping me a prisoner here. You aren’t a monster, but that doesn’t make any of this okay.”

He nods, pulling his mouth tight. He doesn’t take another step towards me.

“Like I said. You will no longer be handcuffed. You have free movement throughout the house.”

Now, I am the one narrowing my eyes towards him. “No more handcuffs?” I ask, not believing him. Why would he risk that, knowing I am obviously going to try and escape again?

“Correct,” he says. “You will find fresh clothes in the bedroom we slept in. I’ll be around if you need anything.”

I open my mouth to ask something, but he is already walking away.

I wait, tense, still not believing he is actually leaving me alone.

When I hear his footsteps fading all the way down the passage, I bolt out of this room and into the one where we slept. I search through the closet, finding a pair of jeans, a warm top, a jacket and some sneakers.

I get dressed. The entire time I am expecting him to come through the door with the handcuffs in his hand to tell me he’s changed his mind.

Why would he risk this?

As soon as I am dressed I start looking for a way out.

Door to door. Window to window. I move from room to room trying everything.

After a while I don’t even try and do it quietly because I am getting more and more frustrated. This house is Fort Knox. It’s a high security prison, and I am the only prisoner. I kick the door as I walk past it, angry and humiliated.

So that is why he took the handcuffs off me. He knew I wasn’t going to be able to go anywhere.

Finally, I have to give up. I’m angry and tired and now I am also an emotional wreck of confusion and exhaustion.

I drag myself into the living room and flop face down onto the sofa with a loud sigh.

“You okay?” Alexei asks, making me jump because I was so caught up in my own head, I didn’t even see he was sitting there.

“No,” I mumble, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair.

“You hungry?” he asks, casual and calm, as though I am not stuck in here against my will.