He is not a safe person to be around.

Whatever he is doing now must be a manipulation. A tactic of some kind.

I must be tired. That’s all.

I just need sleep.

Tomorrow, I can figure out how to get away. Right now, I should rest.

I close my eyes and he traces his fingers over my shoulder, moving in slow circles.

It takes everything in me to ignore it, the way the trail of his touch leaves foreign feelings on my skin. Tingling, warm sensations that I have never felt before.

I won’t let him see my vulnerability.

I’m angry enough at myself that he saw me crying, I won’t let him see my softness.

I have to stay strong until I get another chance to escape.

I won’t let him trick me into believing he is a good man.

I keep my eyes tightly closed and start counting in my head to pull my thoughts away from how his body feels against mine.

I keep counting and ignore his calming and reassuring words.

I keep counting until my mind starts fading into sleep.

Chapter 8 - Alexei

Last night was one of the most difficult nights of my life.

Sleeping was nearly impossible with such a beautiful girl in my arms. I did not make the best choice when I cuffed her to my arm.

She fell asleep, probably exhausted from all the running and trying to escape, and in her sleep she clung to me—her arms wrapped tightly around me, her hands on my body, the heat of her skin and her beautiful scent taunting me.

All night.

Every time I closed my eyes, the sensation of her got more intense, with nothing else to distract me from the pure physical feeling of her.

So I kept opening my eyes. Not that it helped much.

The sun was already rising when I drifted off to sleep from sheer exhaustion. I gave in.

But now, with the bedside clock telling me it is seventeen minutes past eight in the morning, she is mumbling in her sleep.

Fighting something in her dreams, she sounds a bit scared, maybe lost. Her grip around me tightens and her legs thread through mine as though she is trying to find safety in my embrace.

I can’t help it.

I want to protect her from the demons in her mind, so I pull her close against me.

But I also can’t help the way my body fires up, every inch of my skin heated with desire.

She moans softly and my mind drifts over the edge.

My cock begins to throb and grow hard, pressing against her.

I don’t know if I should wake her up or just move away from her, but I don’t want to do either.