“This is really hurting me,” I complain when Alexei gets into the driver’s side and starts the car again.
“It’s not much further to go now.”
He pulls back out onto the road, gravel crunching loudly.
It’s so dark outside, I know we are really far away from any city lights, and I haven’t seen another car drive past since I got put into the passenger seat.
Alexei is focused on the road, so I start wiggling more and more.
I manage to shift my tied wrists under my butt, then slide my legs through so that the restraint is now in front of me.
I look out the window at how fast the ground is moving past the car.
I have to do this.
It’s going to hurt, but I have to try.
I take a deep breath, plucking up the courage, then I push the passenger door open and get ready to roll out of the moving car.
The breaks slam and I am thrown against the back of the driver’s seat. The door slams shut, my head smacks into the headrest, and I blink back tears of pain.
“Are you trying to kill yourself?” Alexei shouts.
He climbs out and grabs my door, pulling it open again.
But I am already on the other side of the car and pulling open the opposite door.
Then I run.
I run faster than I even knew I could.
I speed past the tree line into the really dark and ominous looking forest. The loud thud of boots running behind me pushes me forward. My feet are aching against the raw ground. I feel twigs and rocks stabbing into me.
Holding my tied hands up in front of my face, I manage to stop the low branches from scratching at my eyes. And then I skid, the muddy ground like a slip and slide under my bare feet.
I see it too late.
The steep drop.
The seemingly endless fall as I tip over the edge, screaming a high-pitched sound that even I don’t recognize as my own.
I’m going to die.
I’m going to topple right over the edge and my body will smash against whatever lies way at the bottom in the pitch black. Rocks. Trees.
I close my eyes because I can’t bear to watch my own death.
Strong hands grab the back of my jacket and yank me away from the edge of the cliff.
My body slams into a solid muscular chest and we both topple to the ground.
Solid ground.
I’m not falling.
I’m lying in Alexei’s arms and his chest is heaving up and down.
I try to say something, but all I do is squeak, a pitiful sound filled with shock and horror and fear and more relief than I have ever felt in my life.