“We’re sorry, man. We didn’t realize. I guess—I guess we need to go and see how we can sort this out, then.”

I feel relieved that they are on my side now that they understand. I’m annoyed that they assumed it was all some game to me, but at least I’ve managed to get them to see the truth of it all.

“I’m going to the sunroom.” I turn my back on them and head into the house, eager to get this resolved so that I can finally have a one-on-one conversation with Clara.

It’s been absolute chaos since she told me she is pregnant, and I haven’t even had a chance to grab her in the tightest hug and tell her how freaking excited I am.

I need to get to the sunroom and help Clara talk sense into Giorgio.


Everyone is sitting quietly, their eyes on Clara as she handles her uncle.

I can’t believe it. She is blowing me away with her calm, yet very strong demeanor. She is handling Giorgio incredibly well. I thought I was going to have to help her manage this situation and talk him down, but she’s standing up for herself in a way I don’t think she ever has.

“I won’t tolerate you talking down to me anymore, Uncle Giorgio. I am so grateful for everything you have done for me, for how you took care of me when there was no one else to look after me. I will never stop being grateful for that, but things are going to change from here on out. I want my independence and my freedom. You are no longer in charge of my life. I am. It’s my life, and I will live it in whatever way I please.

"Also, I am going to have a baby with this man. I chose to be with him. He never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do, and when the time came to leave—I didn’t even want to do that. This is my choice.”

Giorgio’s expression is sour. She’s said her piece really well, and there isn’t much more for her to say, but he looks bitter over the entire thing.

I get up and stand by her side.

“Giorgio, I am going to do my part. I will be there every step of the way to fulfill my duty as this baby’s father. I’m not going to leave her alone in this situation. I want you to know that.”

I want Clara to know that, too. I want her to know how excited I am, but now isn’t exactly the right time to say that. For now, I just need Giorgio to know that I will be a father to this child.

Clara glances up at me nervously, then looks back towards her uncle.

Giorgio stands up, his fists clenching and unclenching. His chest is heaving. He’s losing control. He has sat quietly for too long, listening to people tell him what is going to happen. He is not used to that; he’s used to being in charge.

He shakes his head at Clara. “You are such a stupid girl. Nothing but stupid. Do you really believe this fucking idiot is going to help you raise a baby? He’s reckless, useless, the worst of all, a Dubrov. He’s a fucking child himself, and now you want to rely on him for support? How pathetic are you, that you made such a mistake? I thought you would at least have some brains, but it turns out—"

“Stop that immediately,” I growl at him.

“Or what? Huh? What are you going to do? You don’t even understand the meaning of the word responsibility. No one can rely on you for anything—"

“Giorgio.” Leon’s voice comes from behind him. “I think you forget who you are talking to. Let me remind you—Alexei is a Dubrov. He might be the wildest of us all, but make no mistake that he is still a Dubrov, and you will not speak to any member of my family in that way without dealing with the consequences of your disrespect.”

Leon, Yefim and Oleg are all standing now, their arms folded across their chests as they stare down towards Giorgio.

Yefim nods in agreement with Leon. “And from what we have heard from Clara just now, she has made it very clear that everything between Alexei and herself was mutual. She chose to be with him. There wasn’t anything coercive about the situation. They are two adults who are making it very clear that this is what they want. From our side, we have no issue with this, and don’t see any reason why you would, either. We are already in alliance. Our families are already working together. Am I right?”

Giorgio takes a deep, loud breath, then walks back and forth across the sunroom a few times. I can see he is agitated, probably very unhappy about being reprimanded by both his niece and now my brothers, but he has no choice now.

Clara steps towards him, her hand held out, reaching for him. He stops pacing to face her.

“Uncle Giorgio. Please? I want this.”

He clears his throat and nods. His mouth is pulled tight as he stares at his niece.

“Alright,” he says after what feels like an eternity. “Yes, I can see that there is no problem here.” He nods again.

This is clearly difficult for him, but he is managing to control his emotions.

“But," he says, lifting his hand in the air. I feel my shoulders tense up. But what? I sigh.

“All I ask is that you don’t disappear from my life, Clara. Please. I know I am overbearing. I know I am controlling. I didn’t know how else to make sure you stayed safe. I didn’t ever mean for—I didn’t want you to hate me.” He looks broken as he speaks to her. And I think this is the first time he has ever really spoken to her from his heart.