He nods. And the smile on his face is all I need as motivation to agree to what seems like something I would never do.
Perhaps this is a new version of me. An adventurous girl who gets naked in the forest with the guy who kidnapped her to jump into a really deep ice-cold pool.
I start pulling off my clothes, racing to catch up with him.
When I get to my underwear, I hesitate, but Alexei is already kicking his off, smirking at me as though I have been challenged to do the same.
I toss mine on the blanket, feeling shy but incredibly brave at the same time.
He takes my hand, and we stand completely naked on the rock. I am about to dip my toe into the water when he says, “No. Don’t even feel it. On three—jump.”
I nod, butterflies going wild in my stomach.
He pulls me as he shouts three, and for a blissful second, we are launched into the air together. Then ice slams into my body as we plunge into the deep pool. It bites at my skin. Cold. Fresh.And more alive than I have ever felt.
As I'm gasping for air on the surface as my body fights to adjust to the temperature, Alexei pulls me right up against him, holding me as we float together.
“How does it feel?”
Through shivering teeth, I smile and mumble, “Truthfully? I can’t stop smiling.”
“This place has that effect on me, too.”
But I don’t think it is just this place.
It’s him.
It’s his spirit, his energy, his laugh and that gorgeous smile of his.
I just want to soak him into me.
I want to be a part of him.
After a few minutes, my body has adjusted to the cold and it doesn’t feel so bad. We dive beneath the surface and collect beautiful pebbles, tossing them towards our blanket to collect later.
We float on our backs, staring up at the bright blue sky shining between the tall trees.
It is the perfect day. There is no wind, the sun is warm, and everything just feels exactly right.
When I do finally start shivering, Alexei pulls me to the edge of the river and helps me climb out. He wraps a spare blanket around me and hugs me close to him.
We lie on the picnic blanket until we are dry and warm.
Looking up at the sky, we play that silly game where you have to say what you see in the clouds. A rabbit. A hat. A flower. A dragon.
“You are really bad at this game.” Alexei laughs loudly, trying to figure out how the shape I am pointing at can possibly look like a car.
“You just don’t have the creative vision to keep up with me.”
The sky is starting to turn orange and pink and we are still lying naked, wrapped in the blanket together.
“It’s getting late. Are you ready to head back home?” Alexei asks.
“You know, this might sound ridiculous to you, but I’ve never played that game before—the shapes in the clouds—and something else I’ve never done before…you know, my entire life has been about keeping my uncle happy. Going to school. Doing well. Being well behaved…" I sigh and bite my lip.