“Agreed,” Oleg says, putting his fork down. “Fix this. As inyesterday. We will keep your secret, but not for long. I don’t like hiding things from each, other and if Yefim and Leon find out we have been hiding it, it won’t be good for any of us.”

Anya shakes her head. “If Leon finds out, I am flat-out denying knowing anything at all.”

Alexei nods. He’s still mad, but there is some relief in his eyes now that they have agreed to give him time to figure out what the hell to do with me.

He stands up, brushing his hands over his thighs. “Alright you two, get the hell out of here. You’ve created enough drama for one night,” he says, a touch of playfulness hidden behind the annoyance.

“We’re leaving. But you better answer your phone if I call.” Oleg waves his finger at Alexei and Alexei’s jaw muscles feather.

I stay seated at the dining room table until they have stopped their little back and forth, then when Anya and Oleg start walking towards the front door, I follow, keeping back a bit.

Just before leaving, Anya turns towards me. She whispers, “Keep him on his toes,” then winks and walks out the door.

Alexei waits for them to climb into their car.

He opens the security gate with the flick of a button, then closes the front door and sighs heavily, leaning his head against it.

“Fuck,” he mumbles. “I really wasn’t ready for that.”

I stand, quietly watching him.

Yes, he lost his temper, and I could see how annoyed he was, but he didn’t call any of them nasty names—he didn’t get personal with either of them. He didn’t throw things and get ugly.

He really isn’tanythinglike my uncle.

“Are you okay?” I ask timidly, not sure if now that they have left his mood will change.

“Fine,” he snaps.

“Why did you get so angry?”

“Just drop it.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I sass back at him.


“I want to know. You were totally fine until Anya asked if there was someone else looking for me.”

“And? What is your point?” he growls, glaring at me.

“I don’t get it. Why would that make you angry?”

He shakes his head and walks away from the front door. I follow him through to the living room where he pours a vodka at the bar.

He downs a shot and then pours another one.


“Because I don’t want to even think about another man touching you, okay? I don’t want to think about another man even looking at you, let alone showing serious interest in you. I took you. I want you. You are mine,” he snarls angrily. His eyes are dark and dangerous as he throws me a look that tells me he means every word of it.

I take a step towards him, my heart beating fast and my breathing starting to quicken. What does he meanI want you?

“What would you do?”

He stares at me, not answering. A dark brooding in his green eyes.

“What would you do if I told you someone else out there was looking for me?”