“Ok, jeez, you didn’t even answer me when I said she was kidnapped, so I thought maybe you didn’t realize who I was talking about.” His lip lifts in a sneer—he’s annoyed, and that’s not good. “What’s your problem today? You get up on the wrong side of the bed or something?”

I run my hand through my hair feeling like my brother can see straight through me. “What are we doing today?” I ask to try and change the subject.

“There’s an urgent shipment we have to get out. It got delayed yesterday and we can’t risk another day going by without sending it off.”

“Fine. Let’s get to it, then.” I walk towards the offices in the warehouse and I can feel Oleg’s eyes burning into my back. I am too jumpy. I need to calm down or he is definitely going to start thinking something is up with me.

So, Yefim is out there looking for her.

Shit, man. I feel bad. I am totally wasting his time. I feel like I should tell them, but it will be a shit show if I do.

My brothers will be furious with me.

Our alliance with Giorgio Vitali is already rocky at best. If I go announcing that I am the one who took his niece, it will completely break apart and all hell will break lose again. All the work we’ve put in to settle that alliance will be a waste.

All through the day, Oleg is watching me closely. Too closely.

“Why are you so jumpy today?” he asks after we’ve been organizing the shipment for an hour, packaging the crates and making sure the stock is secured.

“I’m not,” I deny, hoping I sound convincing.

“Mm,” Oleg huffs.

“Sorry, man, I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping well. I think I got the flu or something this past week.” I hate lying to him, but I need to take this pressure of myself.

“You? Sick? You never get sick.”

“I know. That’s what made it ten times worse.”

“I guess the weather has been getting colder lately. Did you make that ginger lemon drink everyone always says works like a bomb?”

I chuckle. “Do I look like the kind of guy to make a ginger lemon drink?”

“Hey—you like cooking. Maybe you like tea.” Oleg shrugs, grinning at me.

We chat a bit about other things as we start to finish up our task and slowly I start relaxing, knowing that he isn’t suspicious of me anymore. But now all I want to do is hurry home to Clara.

This has taken a lot longer than I’d hoped, and she is alone there, doing heaven only knows what.

I want to get back to her and make sure she’s okay and hasn’t escaped again. Yeah, I know that place is a fortress, but she is incredibly resourceful.

And, honestly, I miss her.

This time without her has kind of shown me that shehasbeen driving me crazy this week,butI really enjoy it. I love our banter and her feisty little attitude.

I keep glancing at my watch.

Anxious to get back to her.

“Got somewhere you need to be?” Oleg asks.

“No.” I shrug. "Just wondering when we will be done."

“We are pretty much done now. Let’s just put the remaining product back in the storeroom and then we can lock up.”

I start picking up the crates and loading them on the wheeled platform. Oleg’s eyes are on me again.

“I’m craving a good stew,” I say, randomly, but needing to start him talking about something again.