I grit my teeth together, my cock so hard it is painful, especially now that I know nothing more is going to happen. I shake my head even though she can’t see me with her face turned away. “No,” I say darkly. “You are not going anywhere.”

I sit up in bed and she is jerked forward, forced to come with me.

When she tries to resist, I lift her and fling her over my shoulder. I carry her downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee and she complains the entire way.

“I have to pee,” she moans as her body bounces against my shoulder.

“Fine,” I reply coldly, then walk into the downstairs bathroom and stand next to the toilet.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Go. Or don’t. But hurry up, because I want coffee.”

Her eyes grow wide when she realizes I am not kidding around. She sits on the toilet, her cheeks glowing red. When she is finished, she is silent. Standing up, she walks obediently next to me towards the kitchen.

I make us coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, which is a lot easier said than done when you only have one hand and someone is pressed up against your body the entire time.

Clara keeps huffing loudly as I move around the kitchen and she is forced along with me.

We are hardly speaking, but there is clearly animosity between us. I know mine is all to do with the sexual tension that I did not have a chance to release.

I know hers is probably to do with the fact that she has been kidnapped.

I never intended for things to be this bad.

I mean, if I go right back to the moment when I took her, I didn’t even intend to do that. It was just too easy. She was right there. Away from the house. Right in my reach.

I didn’t want to upset her, I never meant to hurt her, and now I feel like the fucking bad guy because she is starting to hate me.

Of all the things I wanted, that was the last thing.

I want to make her love me.

I should never have done this.

I do stupid impulsive things sometimes, but fuck if this is not the stupidest of all.

When breakfast is ready, we carry everything to the dining room table and sit next to each other eating in heavy silence.

There is something that has been bothering me since last night, and I want her to explain it to me.

“Clara, what happened last night? Why did you look scared when I shouted?”

She ignores me.

I grab her wrist and tug it towards me. Her eyes flare up in fear. I’m right about this. Something happens to her when I get angry and her fear overwhelms her.

“Clara. What happened to you? Why do you get so scared when I show any anger?”

“Just leave it,” she snaps, looking embarrassed now. She drops her eyes to the plate in front of her and won’t look at me.

“Hey,” I say gently, lifting her chin with my finger. “Talk to me.”

“Why should I tell you anything? What do you care, anyway? I’m just here as some bargaining chip for whatever plan you have going on behind the scenes. Just ask my uncle forwhatever it is you want and get it over with so I can go back home.”

She doesn’t know that she is what I wanted. She doesn’t know that I took her because I wantedher,not to trade for something else or bargain.

I sigh.