My brothers stay nearby. There will be too many visitors, too much foot traffic through my home. Someone will see her. Especially if she is going to be screaming like that the entire time.
Shit, I really didn’t think this through.
Luckily I have that property in the forest, away from the city. My brothers will never think to look there for me if I disappear. Usually they assume I’ve gone on some overseas trip.
I’ll have some time to settle in and figure out what the fuck I just did.
Maybe I am impulsive.
Fuck it, so what if I am?
Her screaming is louder inside the car, so I turn up the music. I can’t help smiling to myself as I drive away from the city into the more secluded forest.
It’s beautiful out here in the daytime.
At night, it is pitch-dark and eerie. I love it.
Clara is going to love it, too.
Chapter 5 - Clara
All I wanted to do was get out of the house and dance a little. I wanted to unwind and get rid of all the tension my uncle created when he mentioned marrying that idiot Brandon. There is no fucking way that I will be marrying him. Not a fucking chance.
But my idea of just getting out for a bit turned south really quickly.
I only barely made it off my uncle’s property when someone grabbed me.
I scream again and kick my bare feet against the inside of the car trunk. My lungs are hurting. My throat feels raw and painful. The music is so loud it’s hurting my head as it thrums from the bass speakers.
I take a deep breath, panic flooding me, tears streaming down my cheeks.
I don’t know who it is who took me. I didn’t have time to see his face. There was only one guy—a freaking tall and really strong guy. He didn’t even say a word.
It was so surreal, because he felt familiar to me, but I can’t place who it would be. Maybe one of my uncle’s pissed off rivals, planning to contact him in a day or two and demand payment or ransom or some deal.
Okay. Okay.
I need to calm down. I need to start focusing. I don’t even know which direction we went in after he threw me in the car. Shit, I am so bad at this.
How could I get kidnapped twice? Who does that? For fuck's sake.
As soon as the trunk opens I am going to run.
It’s the only thing I can think of doing.
Maybe I’ll pretend to be passed out until whoever this is lifts me out of here and then I’ll just run.
I stop screaming, stop kicking, and just wait.
I’m still crying, but there is nothing I can actually do about that. I am so terrified.
I hold up my hand right in front of my face because there is very little space in the trunk, and in the faint red back light of the car I can see how badly I’m shaking.
Adrenaline. Fear. Whatever.
We drive for ages. At one point, I start feeling like I might even fall asleep, but I can’t. I have to stay alert.
This dress is not keeping me warm at all, and I am so freaking happy I put my leather jacket on as well.