I know there’s more to the story of Bo and Hettie, but I make a hard right back to Kalle being king because he never talks about it.
He’s content to let others talk, but his true opinion on the subject is unknown.
“Have you actually seriously considered abdicating?” I ask in a quiet voice. “Do you hate the idea that much?”
Skywalker pushes open the swinging door to the kitchen with his barrel belly, Leah chattering behind him. But when she notices our serious expressions, she grabs Skywalker’s arm and pulls him back into the bar area. “Fries can wait for a minute.”
“No, we’ll take this into the office,” I call to her as I motion for Kalle to follow me. The office itself is neat and tidy withbookshelves and a filing cabinet in the corner, but invoices and receipts are strewn around the PC because Kalle was in here last.
I make a point to take a minute to deal with them when we’re done talking.
“I should have made you something,” he says apologetically.
“I already ate, and don’t change the subject.”
Kalle takes a bite of his burger, forehead furrowing as he chews. “I don’t hate the idea,” he finally says. “I just… Dad gave me the line from Dune, about being called to lead and answering it, like it’s a bloody phone call.”
“It’s a good line.” Kalle huffs at my response so I continue, folding my arms across my chest. “Did you want more from him? Like for him to tell you to stop being wishy-washy and accept that you’ll be the king Laandia needs when the time comes?” We’ve been friends long enough to not have to pull our punches, but I’ve never gotten into this with him. And I’m not about to coddle him because Kalle would be an amazing king.
I know that. Everyone should realize that.
But the main problem is that I’m afraid Kalle doesn’t see it.
Another huff and I give a hiss of frustration. “I’ve never understood why you don’t see yourself like the rest of us do.”
His mouth twists into a frown. “Because I know myself better than the rest of you.”
“Really?” I cock my head and stare him down. “You think so? I know you miss playing baseball more than any other sport because you’ll grab anything round like a lime or one of those squishy stress balls I buy for you and hang onto it like you’re getting ready to throw it across the room. I know you pretend to hate being dragged up to the castle for family dinners, but you secretly lovespending time with your family because they mean everything to you. And I know you’ll be king someday because you won’t put the pressure of it onto Bo, but you’re so scared of not being enough that you can’t just come out and say it.”
Kalle narrows his eyes, the blue darkening like the night sky. “You think you’re so smart.”
“Iamso smart, that’s why you poached me from the hotel to work for you.”
He gives me a lopsided smile. “Yeah, but you’ve stuck around so that proves you’re not as smart as you think you are.”
“I stick around because you pay me to.”
“Yeah yeah,” he grumbles. “Remind me not to give you a raise when you ask.”
“And I’m asking for a big one. Soon.” I grin at Kalle until his smile falls and I know he’s ready to dish more. “What else did he say?”
“I’m not scared,” he says instead.
“It would be perfectly natural if you are,” I tell him in a gentle voice. “I’d be terrified.”
“You… you’d walk in there and have everything organized and get the perfect people to do the perfect things for them and have the country fall in love with you within the day,” Kalle says in a rueful voice. “You’d be amazing.”
“Yeah, maybe,” I concede with a sly smile and Kalle scoffs. “But so would you.”
“I don’t know…”
“What else did your father say?”
Kalle presses his lips together as if he’s trying to stem the flow of words. It has been a lot for him. But then he opens his mouth and: “He said I should get married before I become king.”
I take a step back into the door because the thought of Kalle getting married is as jarring as sticking a finger in a light socket. He… Married? To a woman who would be his wife.
“Oh,” I manage. Kalle with a wife. Kalle with a woman longer than four dates. Kalle in love and with his happily ever after. I want that for him but—