Somehow, the combination of Old Spice antiperspirant and Dove exfoliant body wash helps relieve the tightness of my shoulders caused by the crack of thunder. I know what products he uses because he stole mine a few months ago when his shower wasn’t working.
I know what soap he uses in the shower but I’ve never seen him naked.
And why am I thinking of Kalle naked?
“I gotta run up to the castle,” Kalle says, pulling me out of my thoughts about things I have no business thinking about. “You okay here? Call Bethie in early if you need more help.”
“I’ll be fine. Leah is here and Tyler. Worst thing, I can get Dad to start pulling pints.”
“Works for me.” Kalle gathers my ponytail in his hand and gives it a playful tug. “Later, dude.”
“Not a dude,” I call after him. Whatever was bothering him last night, Kalle seems to have shaken it off this morning.
Now I just have to shake off how two simple touches have unbalanced me, like I’m navigating the deck of a boat.
We’re friends. We touch.
Dillon leaves his paper and follows Kalle into the kitchen. Dad watches them go, waiting until the door swings closed after them before he says anything. “Prince Mathias, huh?”
“He’s nice.” Why do I sound defensive? Mathiasisnice. He’s—
“You need more than nice, pet,” Dad says, interrupting be beginning my list. “You deserve the best.”
“As long as he’s not part of the royal family,” I remind him with a smile.
Dad shakes his head. “Your friend Dillon is right. That’s ameproblem. You deserve the best, and if that’s one of Magnus’soffspring—”
“Mathias is the king’s nephew,” I point out. “And I don’t even know if anything will come of it. It’s not like it would be convenient—Mathias lives across the country and I’m here.”
“You know you don’t have to stay here.”
“Why would I leave? Everything I care about is here.”
“We’ll still be here, but there’s a lot more in the world that you can care about. You got a big heart, Edie, my girl. I still haven’t forgiven myself for you turning down that job a few years back.”
I had started in hospitality, working at one of the two hotels in Battle Harbour. I had risen up to assistant manager when Kalle convinced me to come work for him. About a year after, a hotel chain in Newfoundland contacted me about a managerial position.
My dad had just been diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, so there was no question of me leaving. I stayed in Battle Harbour. Only my parents knew about what the company offered me.
I don’t let myself wonder how my life might have turned out if I had taken the job because I’m happy. My family is here.
Kalle is here.
“It was my decision, and one I didn’t hesitate making,” I tell Dad, wiping down the counter. “I’m needed here.”
Dad glances over his shoulder, at the busy tables, the laughing customers tucking into eggs and pancakes. “What happens when Kalle sells the place?” he asks quietly. “When he becomes king and doesn’t need you anymore?”
I don’t know the answer to that.
Leaving the bar inEdie’s capable hands, I throw my coat on and head out through the alley to where my truck is parked. The rain is still pouring down, and another front is predicted to reach us this afternoon so I need to be back by then to help out Edie.
The meow stops me.