I glance at Bo. Even with his history studies, I don’t think he knows that. And Dad conveniently left out that part when we talked the other day.
“Your uncle Dante was ready to step up,” Dad continues, “and he wanted to be king. Like, really wanted it. Unlike me, who let my emotions cloud my sense of duty. It was Duncan who got me back on track.”
“Course he did,” I mutter because Duncan has always been there for this family. And this country as well.
“Yeah, well, Dunc pointed out that I had given my word to the king and the country that I would be next. He also told me I’d be a great king, which is neither here nor there.”
“I don’t get the point of this,” I cut in. “It’s a nice story, but it’s not helping.”
“The point is thatIgave my word. Not you. I answered the call to this duty, but you don’t have to.” His blue eyes, shadowed and tired meet mine with an intensity that pricks my skin.
“Are you saying I should step down and let Bo be next?”
“No,” Bo says quickly.
“That is an option,” Dad concedes. “And if Bo doesn’t want it, I’ll talk to Gunnar and then…Lyra.”
We exhale in unison.
“Or I could appoint your uncle to be my successor, and his children after that.”
“What?” Mathias in a crown? The evilness of my uncle, his cruelty and manipulation—no. No way.
“It’s what he brought up at dinner, Dad continues, unaware of what is going on in my mind. “He’d still like the job, and Mathias was positively salivating at the thought of it.” Dad gives a half-smile but I see the worry in his eyes. “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere soon, but this little visit does bring up some worries about who is next in the line of succession. Like I said, this has never been a regular monarchy. We do things differently here.”
“So what you’re saying, is that if I decide I really don’t want to be king, you can give it to Dante so Bo and the others don’t have to deal with it?”
“It gives you an option. Something to think about.”
“I don’t have to think about it,” I tell him.
Idon’t see Kallefor the next two days.
And I might worry that Saturday night had been too much for him. Or that he was having second thoughts about us, maybe that the emotions of the night had caused him to…
We kissed. And more. And now I haven’t seen him. He hadn’t even been awake when I left the castle.
I might worry—if it weren’t for the texts. The constant, never-ending text string that tells me more about what Kalle is thinking than words coming out of his mouth ever could.
It’s as if we’re back in the nineteen hundreds and he’s courting me long distance by letters.
So many texts. I reread them before I left for the day, and his observations of what his father does all day made me smile. And laugh. And it fills my heart that Kalle seems content.
He says it’s because of me. I may not believe it but it’s nice to hear.
I have Wednesday off; Kalle is still doing castle stuff, but I leave Leah in charge during the day and Tyler tonight, with Bethie helping out.
It’s like I’m playing hooky and left the kids at home alone. I feel guilty and a little worried, but I’ve been working non-stop, and there have been some late hours in the last week.
I need a break, and Kalle agreed. It was him—via text—who organized Leah and Tyler to step up for me.
As much as we’ve texted in the last two days, Kalle hasn’t said anything about the future. No talk about whether he’s still game to become the next king of Laandia—or about us.
He’s made absolutely no mention of the fact he asked me to marry him.