Page 38 of Royal Rising

And now he wants me to go from best friend to potential wife? To being thequeen?

What is he thinking?

He’s not thinking. That’s the problem.

And as for me, I’m thinking too much.

I love fairytales. I’ve read all of them, keep a collection of fairytale retellings. To say I have never considered the possibility that Kalle and I… that sitting beside the future king of Laandia was something I might enjoy—it’s laughable.

Of course I’ve thought about it.

Every woman in Laandia has thought about marrying one of the princes. To become queen or a princess—it’s like a hive mind. Everyone has had that thought.

Only I make it a point to stop myself whenever the chaotic thought invades the calm of my mind.

Because it would have to be a real-life fairytale to have the daughter of the castle groundskeeper end up with the future king. It’s just not possible.

Or at least I never thought so until Kalle openedhis mouth.

I push off from the door because I don’t want to be standing here when Kalle comes out. I’ll have to say something to him, and I have no idea what that might be.

He thinks he wants to marry me.Me.


I head to the kitchen and straight to the door that leads to the alley because that’s where I go when I need a breather from the bar. But it’s still raining, water pouring down in sheets like a biblical flood is about to wreak havoc in Battle Harbour.

Screw it. I grab the short and stubby umbrella we keep by the door, the one with the bent spindle, and step outside before anyone says a word to me.

It’s very wet, but at least I can breathe.

I stand in a puddle in the alley, the umbrella not doing much to protect me as rain spatters my shirt and my arms, and I take a deep breath.

And another. And, “Oh, my god,” I cry. “He saidwhat?”

For one moment, and one moment only, I let the excitement wash over me. I let the unbelievable become believable. For one moment, I let myself think about marrying Kalle Erickson, prince of Laandia.

And then I shut it down.

I get angry becausehow dare hethink he can make that leap from friends to so much more without giving me an ounce of warning? No warning. None at all.

No warning, pluswhat kind of proposal was that?

Another deep breath.

I’m in the middle of a long drawn-out one when I hear the squeak ofmeowfrom behind the bins.

It’s Kalle’s cat, and it’s a sorry sight that breaks through my anger.

I try to coax it to come out from behind the bins, but no luck. She’s a cute cat, so tiny with tortoiseshell fur plastered to her little body. I finally give up and head back into the kitchen, where I call Stella and arrange a rescue.

She promises Ajax and Gunnar will be there as soon as possible and I do my best to explain where she’s hiding because I don’t want to stick around and talk to one of Kalle’s brothers.

Of course, when all this is finished, and I head back into the bar, who is sitting there but Prince Bo and Spencer Laz.

Bo looks like a lumberjack, with his flannel and thick beard, and shoulders that can heft a full tree over his head. Spencer, lifelong friend of the family, is as close as a brother to the princes, but doesn’t look like it with his slim built and dark hair. He’s a lawyer by trade, and usually up to his elbows on some case or other, but his intelligent green eyes still know how to smile.

I do not smile when I see them, and Spencer raises his eyebrow, right away noticing my mood isn’t as cheerful as usual.