Page 8 of Only Her

5GerritI pop another roasted nut into my mouth as we head towards my parents’ place to drop my mom off.

“I was worried when you told me you were getting married. That you were rushing into something, but I get it now. That girl is an angel. She clearly didn’t pick up her mother’s traits. Thank God because that woman is unbearable.” My mom is right, Kennedy is an angel.

“She's sweet,” I agree. Too sweet for me. It still isn’t going to stop me from having her. I thought she might get pissed when I lashed out at her mother, but she did the opposite. She reached out for me. I felt as though I’d won some battle in that moment.

“Are you going to come in and say hi to your father?”

“Not today.”

Mom lets out a huff. “It’s Sunday. Please tell me you’re running off to see your fiancée and not going to the office.”

“Work,” I admit. I’m a lot of things. An asshole, pushy, demanding—I’m sure the list could go on and on—but I’m not a liar.

“Will you slow down once you’re married? Once that sweet angel gives you babies?”

“Dad worked.” He was always at the office.

“I know.” I look to my mom to see regret in her eyes. “My boys are following in their father's footsteps.”

“That’s a bad thing?”

She gives a small smile. “My husband is the best man I know. But there is more to life. Have you ever wondered why he retired early?” That was a little shocking. He didn’t need the money, but I thought working was in his blood.


“Me. After you two went off to college it was he and I. I was done sharing him. Soon we’ll have grandbabies to keep us busy.”

“That’s the plan.” I don’t mean to say it out loud, but seeing my mom's face light up I don’t regret it one bit. It’s not shocking that Dad retired because Mom asked him. He’s always given her whatever she wanted. I know my mom. I bet she didn’t say a word about his busy work hours when we were growing up, wanting him to achieve his dreams. It’s sweet that after all these years they just want more time together.

Mom's phone dings and she checks it as we pull up to her place. I step out, holding the door open for her.

“She is so sweet,” Mom says, getting out of the car. I look down to the phone in her hand.

“You got her number?”

“Yep.” Of course she did. She hugs me before dropping a kiss on my cheeks. I give Dad a wave as he opens the door for Mom before she’s even to it.

When I slip back into the car, irritation hits me. She can text my mom but not me? I gave her my number. I grabbed her phone while it sat on the table. She looked at me curiously when I picked up her hand and put her thumb on it.

She wasn’t too happy about that, but nonetheless I programmed my number in before handing it back. I didn’t only get a glare from her but also her sister and my mom.

I push the button so that the divider comes down so I can get Connor’s attention. “Straight home,” is all I say before putting it back up. I don’t want to go to work now. I’m agitated and there’s only one way to fix that.

I’m still not sure what possessed me to show up to the bakery today. I could blame it on my mom, but I’d been thinking about it all night. That I might get a chance to get her alone for a few minutes. To get another taste of those sweet lips.

I rub my hand through my hair. While that would have been nice, the truth was I’d wanted to please her. I’m not even sure why. I’ve never cared what anyone else thought besides my family. I’m used to doing what I want whether people agree with it or not. Yet, when it comes to her, I want her approval.

Our marriage is going to be a simple one. Not much about our lives will change. She’s free to do whatever she wants as long as she’s in my bed each night. I groan thinking about it. I reach down and adjust my cock.

It would be nice to have someone to come home to when I don’t crash in my office. I’ve passed out more than once on the sofa in my office while reading over a contract.

She’ll enjoy her freedom. I’m sure there will be a few events we’ll have to go to from time to time. Having a child might complicate that. I’ll worry about it when it happens because it will be happening.

“Fuck.” I’ve never wanted kids. Not even when I hatched this plan to make Kennedy mine had I thought about them. Until this need to bind her to me further than a piece of paper rode me hard. Not to mention the fact that there will be no missing she belongs to me when she starts to show.