Page 3 of Only Her

“Right.” She drops the mascara down on the table.

“Let’s do this. The sooner you have dinner, the sooner this will be done for tonight.” My stomach tightens. I stop looking at myself in the mirror. To be honest, I was a little surprised that Gerrit hadn’t asked for Kinley’s hand in marriage.

Not that I’m not pretty, but she’s breathtaking. She could be one of those Victoria’s Secret angels. On more than one occasion I’ve watched grown men turn into stuttering messes in front of her. That was always rather entertaining. Maybe because I’m the oldest? Though I’m sure my dad would have offered either of us. I wonder what he’s getting out of this deal. Because I know my dad doesn’t do anything unless it somehow benefits him.

Kinley locks her arm with mine as we head into the kitchen, taking our time. We’re in no rush to hang out with everyone in the sitting room while the men drink scotch and talk of stocks and other things that are snooze-worthy.

“Go ahead, girls.” Fia winks at us and we both steal a fried cheese ball. I’m going to miss her cooking so much. Who am I kidding? I’m going to miss her. Oftentimes Fia was more of a mom to us than ours. Giving us advice on boys or helping us with homework. She heads out of the kitchen with a tray in hand. I steal another cheese ball, knowing that my mom will be watching every morsel of food that I put in my mouth at dinner. Might as well fill up now.

“There are worse men you could be marrying and losing your virginity to.” The cheese ball stops almost to my mouth. That is true, going by the men Mom tried to make us date. “Or we could have a wild night out and you pick who you lose it to. A small act of rebellion.”

I pop the cheese ball into my mouth. While it does sound wild and fun, I know myself. When it came down to it, I wouldn't follow through.

“Or you can be like Mom and Dad. Banging anyone you want and pretending no one knows.”

“I’m trying to eat here,” I say with a mouth full of food.

“Your mother is looking for you,” Fia says, coming back into the kitchen.

“I’ll meet you there. Bathroom.” I snag one more cheese ball, eating as I head toward the hall bathroom. I shut and lock the door behind me. A shyness starts to take over, making me feel a little nauseous. I’m not shy. I can speak in front of large groups and committees. I do it for a living.

But not in front of a man who is going to own you, my mind whispers to me.

I suck in a breath, my nipples going hard. I guess I have a thing for possessive men. I don’t think that’s what my soon-to-be husband is. I’m not really sure why he’s in the market for a wife. His family might be pushing him too.

I wash my hands, knowing if I don’t get out there soon, Mom will come looking for me. I unlock the door, pulling it open only to have it be pushed right back in. Gerrit kicks the bathroom door closed. I swallow at the pissed-off look on his face, shocked that he’d come looking for me.

From what little I’ve learned about Gerrit from others, it’s a pretty normal look for him. He actually dons two looks: pissed or stoic.

“Hi,” I get out. It’s only one word, but it's more than the last time. His dark eyes narrow on me. Even pissed off he still looks hot. He towers over me. He makes me feel tiny and delicate. I only come up to his chest, where I could rest my head and hear his heartbeat. The rest of him is big too. If I walked past Gerrit on the street I never would have thought that he was one of the city's most powerful players. He has a more rugged look to him. He’s not your typical handsome pretty boy.

I’d probably think he was an athlete or something. It's clear he’s hitting the gym. I hope he doesn't expect me to follow in his footsteps. One thing I am looking forward to when I move out of here is I won’t have to do the six am workout routines Mom makes us do. She doesn't come right out and say it, but she thinks I’m on the plump side.

How many times has she said that? “Don’t you want a waist like your sister’s?” Kinley’s waist is nice, but I enjoy my hips, and I’m not giving up food. It’s not fair that Kinley could out eat me and still never gain a pound. I think she got that from Mom.