Page 40 of Only Her

“You’re still hard.”

“Yeah, I’m going to need more of you.”

“It’s a good thing you wifed me then. I’ll all yours.” I push on his chest to sit up. His cock pushes deeper inside of me. We both moan at the sensation. His hands come to my hips, holding me in place.

“Making you my wife is the best decision I ever made.” My eyes sting. Gerrit has done so many great things in his life, and the fact that he would say that marrying me was his best decision warms my heart.

“I love you.” I lean down to kiss him. “Thank you for not stopping until I was all yours.”

He slips his hand into my hair. “I’m a man that gets what he wants, and I’m always going to want you, Kennedy. Rest assured I’ll always fight for you. For our family.”

Our family. I love the sound of that. Gerrit is going to give me the family I’ve always wanted, and I’m going to give him all of me. I belong to him now, and I know he’ll handle me with care.EpilogueKennedy5 years laterI bite my lip wondering if my husband is going to be mad about this or not. I look up at his building knowing I’m going to do it anyway. I’ve already come this far. After five years of marriage I still can’t get enough of him. I straighten my coat, heading inside.

Security gives me a nod, letting me bypass and head straight to the elevators. I try not to fidget. I remind myself that there is no way anyone can tell I’m practically naked under here. The elevator stops every few floors and more people get on until it’s almost full from wall to wall.

I hold my coat tightly even though it's buttoned, making sure to be extra careful. Luckily at the next stop everyone but one man gets off, and I can breathe again. He looks over at me for a moment then starts playing with his phone.

“Do I know you?” he asks, turning to face me. He’s in a fancy suit that screams of money.

“I don’t think so.” In my line of work I meet a lot of people, though. His face isn't ringing any bells. His eyes go down me and then back up. I swallow. There is no way he can tell I only have panties on under here.

“I swear I’ve seen you before.” He takes a step closer to me. I glance to see how many floors are left. Why does Gerrit have to be all the way at the top? I notice the top floor is the only button that’s lit up. So I guess the man is going all the way to the top as well.

“I do a lot of work for Healing Hearts. You might have seen me at one of their events.”

“I don’t think so.” He reaches up and fixes his tie. “I have a quick meeting. Do you want to get a drink after?” I hold up my hand showing my wedding ring. He does the same. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” He winks at me, making my stomach turn. “It will be a good time.” He takes another step toward me, but the elevator doors slide open. I dart out, stepping into the ladies’ room, grateful that there is some place that I can dip in and hide and where he couldn’t follow me.

God, men can be such creeps. I thank the moon and stars that I’ve gotten myself a good one. My husband is beyond loyal. The last thing that man ever wants to do is hurt me. Since the moment he saw me all those years ago, he has done everything in his power to make me happy.

After a couple minutes, I step out of the ladies’ room, checking to make sure the coast is clear. Once I see the hallway is empty besides Samson, who is sitting at his desk in front of my husband's office, I decide it’s safe. He gives me a warm smile when he sees me.

“How are you holding up?” he asks.

“Not too bad. I can’t believe it’s already his first day of school. I know it’s only pre-k and half a day but still.”

“Just means it’s time for another.”

“Maybe,” I agree.

“He’s in there with someone.”

“I’ll wait.” The door opens a moment later. I watch as the creep from earlier in the elevator steps out of my husband's office.

“Change your mind, sweetheart? There is a hotel bar right across the street.”

“The fuck.” My eyes widen at the look on Gerrit’s face. “Was this the woman you were talking about in my office?” His nose flares.

“Mr. Kane. I didn’t know—"

“Get the fuck out of my building before I lay you out. It would be worth the lawsuit.”

I bypass the man, putting my hands on Gerrit’s chest. He glares at the man over my head.