Page 32 of Only Her

“I’ll marry you. I swear it.” I take her mouth before I say something I can’t take back. I don’t know what she'd think if I uttered those words, but I’m not changing anything. Not until I’ve made her mine in every way.

I give her what she wants, making her come undone in my arms. I fight to remember what I should be doing as I find my own release. I kiss her as she starts to come at the same time I break the barrier of her innocence. She’s so wrapped up in her orgasm she barely flinches.

She slowly comes back down, and I hold her to me. “Did you—” She trails off with her question. I’m not sure if she’s asking if I took her cherry with my fingers or if I came in my pants. I only nod, answering both questions.

We might not have said I do, but that is all paperwork now. Her innocence coats my fingers. She is mine.16Kennedy“You look amazing,” my sister says. “I swear you’re glowing.” I feel like I am. I can’t stop smiling. I am getting married in less than an hour. Everything is going as planned. For a ceremony that was put together so quickly, there isn’t a thing missing. They’ve gotten everything that I requested. I know Gerrit had a lot to do with that.

“Thank you.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek. “So much is changing.”

“Change is good. We need it.” I let out a sigh, knowing she’s right.

“Still can’t believe you’re leaving me for six months,” I grumble. Healing Hearts was looking to expand into Europe. A few meetings had been set up and Kinley was going to be in on them. She has decided to make a giant trip out of it and see as much of Europe as she can over the next six months. “We’re going from sharing a bed almost every night to you being across an entire ocean in your own bed.” That thought is the only thing that makes me sad about all of the changes that are happening. I will miss Kinley.

“You’ll have a husband on your hands. With the way you two have been acting you’re not even going to notice that I’m gone. He’ll be keeping you busy.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me, making me smile. I’m going to miss the crap out of her.

“Not true,” I protest. “Gerrit even said you could stay with us when you get back. You don’t have to go to Mom and Dad’s.”

Kinley lets out a laugh.

“I still can’t believe how you have Gerrit Kane wrapped around your little pinky.”

“You really think he is?” Gerrit keeps surprising me.

“Yes. He can’t keep his eyes off you. Anytime you say something he’s right there to handle it. Showing up to wherever you are. Yeah, I think he wants to keep you happy. In any and all ways.” She smirks at me.

“I think I’m falling in love with him.” I bite my lip. Kinley shakes her head no.

“You’re not falling. You’re already there.”

“I didn't think this was possible. This is an arranged marriage, but it feels so real.” Arranged marriage or not I’d still marry Gerrit. I’ve been crushing on him since the moment I met him.

“It is real. There is a reason Gerrit pushed for you two to get married so quick. He doesn’t need a wife. He just wants you. He wants to take you off of the market before anyone else even gets the idea of trying.”

“I think his brother wants you.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her this time. Teasing her the same way that she has been me. He was all over Kinley last night.

She rolls her eyes. “He’s sweet and fun, but that would never work.”

“Whatever. I saw you flirting right back.” Well, what Kinley considers flirting anyway. She has always been on the shy side when it comes to men. None of them have ever lived up to the ones she’s read about in her books.

“All in fun. He’s about to be family and a giant flirt. So not my type.” I’m not sure what her type is. I don’t think she knows either.

As much as I don’t want to be without my sister for six months, this will be good for her, I think. She’ll have some time to find herself. She won’t be under anyone’s control. Mom and Dad are probably going to lose it when they find out her plans, but the tickets have already been booked, and they really can’t stop her.

“Oh my sweet girl.” I look up to see Evelyn rushing over toward me. “You’re so beautiful.” Her eyes fill with tears.

“Don’t cry! You’ll make me cry.”

“Sorry.” She fans her face, trying to get it under control. “It’s a full house out there. We can’t be ruining our makeup yet.” Evelyn fusses over me for a few more minutes. It doesn’t go unnoticed that my own mom hasn’t come to see me at all today. I’m sure she and my father are out there talking to the guests and pretending to be parents of the year. That thought makes me grateful that I never have to spend another night under their roof again. Last night was the last one.