Page 22 of Only Her

13GerritShe sits in my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck, her head on my chest and her ass pressed against my hard cock as we make our way across town. It’s exactly where she belongs. Here with me at all times. She’s mine. I can’t seem to stay away from her.

My thoughts are consumed by her. I have never felt this way about anyone or anything else besides my work. I’ve never even given thought to having a relationship, never mind a marriage, before her. Work has always been my main focus, but she is making me second-guess that.

I’d once again found myself tracking her down. I couldn’t help it. The need to have her with me at all times was starting to drive me mad. I tried going to the office to pass some time. I figured work would distract and consume me as it always has, but all I could think about was how her mood had switched so fast on me. The fact that she had pulled away from me and I needed to know why.

I’d broken and called my mom to get some advice from her. I wasn’t too proud to admit that I was lost when it came to Kennedy. That I don’t know how to navigate any of the things that I’m feeling for her. I’m not even sure what those feelings are, but I know that I’ve never even remotely had any of them before the day she walked into my life. She’s bringing out a side of me that I never knew existed. One that I don’t know how to control.

The car rolling to a stop breaks me from my thoughts. Kennedy is now sound asleep on me. I reach down, pushing a lock of her hair out of her face. Such an innocent beautiful angel. I run my finger along her cheek, memorizing every detail of her. I watch as her eyes flutter open to meet mine. In that moment I know that there is nothing I wouldn’t do to make her happy or to keep her.

“Gerrit.” My name is almost a whisper on her lips as something that I can’t explain passes between us. My chest gets a strange feeling inside at that moment. One I’m not ready to explore yet. She gives me a sleepy smile.

“We’re home, love,” I say before I open the door and step out of the car, carrying her with me. Suddenly, I feel nervous at the thought of whether she’ll like our home. It’s a feeling that I’m not used to.

One of my security guards opens the front door to the townhouse for me as I step inside with her in my arms. I head straight up toward our bedroom as her eyes start to fall closed again.

I take the stairs two at a time before heading down the hallway into my bedroom. The designer has been in a mad dash to get this place ready. I haven't lived here long. I got this place soon after I’d met Kennedy when all kinds of ideas and fantasies started to play out in my mind.

I didn't think my old penthouse would do. It was on the top floor of my office building. I had it converted into a home. It made it easy for me to go back and forth to work. Now I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the place.

I lay her down in the bed, kicking my shoes off in the process. I reach for my shirt next, unbuttoning it and tossing it to the floor. Her eyes flutter open. They roam over me as I continue to undress. I watch as she sits up and turns so that her back is to me. Those beautiful eyes of hers are now looking at me over her shoulder.

“Can you get it?” she asks. Her voice is full of sleep. I step closer to her, reaching out to help her with the zipper. I see the slight shake of my hand as I pull it down, letting my finger trace down her soft delicate skin in the process. When I get it partly down, I notice that she doesn't have a bra on.

“Do you want a shirt?” I lean down, grabbing mine back off the floor. Sure I could get her a clean one, but I want her to have my scent all over her. She grabs the dress, pulling it over her head and tossing it on the floor. Fuck. I was not expecting that.

“No thanks.” She falls back onto the bed, her tits bouncing. Her pink nipples are begging for attention. She’s trying to kill me. She’s half asleep and a little tipsy. I chuck off my pants next before rounding the bed and flipping the light off to crawl into bed with her.