Page 20 of Only Her

“I didn't know you were even dating,” Katie says. “And of all people Gerrit Kane. Is he always as serious as he looks?”

“Pretty much,” I admit. From what I’ve seen of him so far, which isn't much.

“I heard he can be a—” Becky trails off likely realizing she’s talking about my soon-to-be husband. They all think this is the real deal. I don’t want to correct them. For some reason it feels embarrassing.

“A jerk? Asshole?” I supply. Julie almost spits out her drink. That’s what I’d heard too when I went poking around about Gerrit. That was even before I knew he was going to be my husband.

I’ll never forget that day I’d walked into my father’s office and there sat Gerrit. He barely looked at me, but I’d been enthralled by him. It had been a shock when my parents told me that he wanted to marry me.

“Well, is he?” Becky lifts one of her perfect eyebrows in question.

“He put our mom in her place. It was wonderful,” Kinley answers for me.

“I would have loved to see that,” Katie says with a laugh.

“I haven’t been on the receiving side of his anger, but I’ve seen it towards others.” I can see why he’s gotten the reputation that he has. He doesn’t pull any punches.

“Beth lost her shit when she found out you were getting married to Gerrit.” Julie rolls her eyes as she says it. Beth has always been a brat. I don’t know why, but all the way through school she acted like we were in some unspoken competition. I never understood it and never participated in her games.

I thought it was over when I left high school, but there she was my freshman year of college. Somehow she’s always around, lurking in the shadows, trying to one-up me every opportunity she gets.

“She told me that they dated a while back,” Becky chimes in. My stomach drops wishing she hadn’t told me that piece of information. Especially when it concerns Beth. I’ve never cared that she always tried to outdo me. But now when it concerns Gerrit for some reason, I find myself for the first time feeling possessive and jealous. I’d gone digging around about Gerrit that first day I’d seen him and couldn’t find anything about past girlfriends. He must keep it quiet. That could be why he wants a wife. He’s tired of hiding. A wife would be easier.

“She’s full of shit.” Kinley gives my leg a squeeze under the table, sensing my unease. Luckily the food is dropped off at the table at the same time. I feel my phone buzz in my purse. I reach down and grab it. Before I look to see who it is, I hope that it's Gerrit. I know I shouldn’t. I shouldn't allow myself to get my hopes up when it comes to him, but I can’t help but get excited. Although he’d basically told me how our marriage will be, still I could feel myself getting attached to him. Something that I know will not end well for me.

It hurt me to think I’d come second to him. That his real marriage would always be to his job, and that I was there for whenever he decided he had time for a wife.

His description of how our marriage would be had given me a glimpse into the future I will have with him. One where I’ll be spending most of my time alone. The only thing I can’t understand is the fact that he left work today to come see me. Only to tell me that I better respond to his texts. Then he made me come. I’m not sure how that's supposed to get me to respond to his text messages. I have so many questions, and so many things aren’t adding up.

My stomach flutters when I see the text is from Gerrit.

Gerrit: I miss you.

A smile spreads across my face, making me feel giddy. It might be the small buzz I have. I’m also a little shocked that he would actually send such a sweet text. Why is this man so confusing? I bite my lip wondering what to text back. If I don’t text back will he show up here?

“Respond to him.” Kinley elbows me in the side.

“What are you two whispering about over there?” All eyes turn to Kinley and me.

“Gerrit is texting me. Said he misses me.” Ahhs fill the table.

“That doesn’t sound like a jerk to me.” My sister quickly comes to Gerrit’s defense.

Me: I kinda miss you too.

Gerrit: You should have come home with me.

Me: Maybe next time.

I add a winky face before I slip the phone back into my purse so that I can finish having dinner with the girls. They went through the trouble of setting this up, and I don’t want to be rude. Plus, I don’t want Gerrit to think that I am at his beck and call. I’m not married to him yet. I want to enjoy this time with my friends. More drinks flow as we move from dinner to a nightclub.