Page 17 of Only Her

He doesn't press for more, but I can tell he wants to. When the server comes back, he’s short and to the point with her. He abruptly gives her his credit card, clearly dismissing her. There he goes again. I’ll never get used to how easily he slips from hot to cold at the drop of a hat.

“I haven’t encouraged her behavior. Do you think I’d want another while I still have your taste on my tongue?” My mouth falls open. He thinks I’m irritated about the server. I was, but that wasn't the blow that really hurt. His talk about how our upcoming marriage would be is what I am really upset about. “You’re mine and I’m yours. I’m not your father.”

Before I can respond, the server is back dropping off his credit card without saying one word.

“Thanks for lunch.” I push back my chair to stand. He grabs it, pulling it out for me and putting his hand on my back to guide me toward the front of the restaurant.

“You don’t have to thank me for feeding you. I’m going to be your husband. It’s my responsibility to take care of you.” I bite the inside of my cheek. I don't want to be someone’s responsibility. I want him to do things because he wants to. Not out of some feeling of obligation. I’d rather be real than fake.

“I don’t want our time together to end. Come back to my place.” I notice he doesn't ask it as a question. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him more. It’s on the tip of my tongue to retort that maybe he should get back to work. He’d tracked me down at the department store to tell me to text him back. Now he’s taken me to lunch. I would think he’d be itching to get back to the real love of his life—that job of his.

“Kennedy?” I turn my head at the sound of my name to see James leaning up against the bar across the room.

“You know James Bentford?” Gerrit asks.

I nod my head. “We used to date.”

His hold on me tightens. “When did that end?” There is no missing his jealousy. I shouldn’t poke him, but I find I can’t seem to help myself. I’m still irritated by some of his comments over lunch. So I give it to him.

“When I was told I had to marry you.” I know from the look in his eyes that I’ve hit the target I was trying to. The expression on his face tells me I may have hit it a whole lot harder than I intended to.11GerritShe dated James Bentford? How is that even fucking possible? It isn't. I would have known. Or at least I should have known.

Anger and irritation flood me. I’ve experienced both of those things before, but this feels different. This feels out of control. Everything does when it comes to Kennedy. I’m constantly being hit with tidal waves of emotion, each hit being fucking harder than the last.

“I have to say hi,” Kennedy says in a soft, hushed tone. She doesn’t have to do shit, but James is already making his way towards us. His eyes bounce between Kennedy and me. Of course she dated James. He’s a good ol’ boy. One that does everything by the books. Including following in his daddy’s footsteps to become a lawyer and work for the city. He’s being groomed to be in politics.

“Gerrit,” James says, holding his hand out. I take it, giving him a hard shake. Maybe I squeeze his hand a little harder than usual.

“James,” I say back. “You know my Kennedy?” I drop my lips to the top of her head, unable to help myself. I’m acting like a juvenile. I know it, but I still can’t stop myself from doing it.

“I do. We went to college together. She was a freshman and I was a senior.”

“He tutored me. I’m horrible at algebra. I don’t think I would have passed without you.” She gives him a warm smile. I fucking hate it. I only want her to smile at me.

“It was the least I could do.” He returns the smile. I want to punch it off his pretty boy face. If I hadn't showed up and taken Kennedy for myself, I’m pretty sure she would have ended up with someone like James. “So the rumors are true.” He looks down at Kennedy’s ring. There is no missing it. “That was fast.”

“When you know, you know. Now she’s all mine.” I don’t care if I’m being a dick. I’m making my point loud and clear. She’d broken things off with him because of me. Did that mean she had feelings for him? Loved him even? There it is again. Another tidal wave of emotions. I have to get the fuck out of here before I do something I regret.