Page 12 of Banishing Regrets

“When he was alive, he was always with me, in person or in spirit. To not have that anymore was virtually impossible to comprehend, especially as I had to be strong for Brayden. I’m so grateful to Kas. He helped me stand on my own two feet again, and in many ways he became the father my son had lost.”

“I know Brayden has so much respect for Kas. He still thinks of him as a father figure. He’s already said the name of our next child must feature Kas’ in some way.” Selene smiled. “Although I did tell him making another child might have to wait. I quite like being in control of my own body for the first time in a long while. Well, in theory…” Selene quietened.

“Here was me thinking it was the newborn baby keeping you up at night, but I’m thinking it’s also your destiny.” Jane got to her feet and placed Heath into his crib. The baby murmured a protest at first but then settled straight away. She went to her daughter-in-law and sat beside her on the bed. She took Selene’s hand in hers. “Is it hard to control?” Jane questioned.

“The power of the dragon?” Selene responded with her own query.


Selene nodded.

“I feel it all the time. I don’t experience that with any of the other animals I can become. It’s always there, threatening to erupt out of my body. If it did in this room, I’d destroy the mansion…I could hurt Heath. Every moment, I fear the power taking me over. I know I had to do it—it’s the key to our survival, but I’m scared all the time. What if something happens and tips me over the edge? What if I hurt people I care about because I can’t control the mythological beast within me?” Tears started to stream from Selene’s eyes as she spoke. “Jane, I need you to promise me something. If anything happens to me. If I can’t control this and I need to leave, or worse, the humans…” Selene left the next words unsaid. They both knew if the humans discovered the existence of a dragon shifter, she would be their prime target for capture and experimentation. “I need you to promise me that you’ll stay with Brayden and Heath. You’ll look after them for me. You’re the only one who’ll know what they’re going through. You have to protect them and care for them for me.”

“Shush,” Jane responded, gently placing a finger at Selene’s lips. “You have my word. You don’t even need to ask. I’ll always be there for them, helping them no matter what. Nothing will happen, Selene—this is just the tiredness speaking. You need to get some sleep. Why don’t I take Heath to my room for a bit and let you rest.”

Selene shook her head. “I’m not ready to be away from him yet. I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right, I understand.” Jane stroked down her daughter-in-law’s hair. “You lie down and rest here. I’ll stay in the room quietly. I’ve got a book I can read. Sleep, while you can. I’ll watch Heath.”

“Thank you.” Selene flung her arms around Jane and embraced her tightly.

Jane couldn’t help but feel sorrow for the sacrifices her family had made and was still making—first Heath to save Brayden, now Selene to save the shifters. Why couldn’t they be left in peace for once?

Selene pulled back, and Jane noticed her daughter-in-law’s eyes were no longer human. They were those of a dragon.

“Selene?” Jane grew worried as scales started to appear at the corner of the multi-shifter’s eyes. Her emotions were wild, and they were affecting her ability to control the dragon inside her.

“It’s okay,” Selene tried to reassure Jane, but her heavy breaths confirmed to Jane that her daughter-in-law was struggling to control the beast within. “Give me a moment.”

Selene continued her deep breathing.

All of a sudden, Brayden appeared in the room, a look of complete confusion on his face. He held an axe in his hand. He was mid swing as though he’d been chopping logs, but he managed to stop himself before smashing the axe into a piece of antique furniture.

“What the hell?!” Brayden exclaimed.

Selene opened her eyes. The dragon’s orbs were still there. Jane moved back to where Heath was in his crib, allowing Brayden space to get to his wife. He stroked down her face and kissed her lips. He whispered words of encouragement to Selene, and her features instantly returned to normal. Brayden really was the key to her controlling the power of the dragon.

“How did you get here?” Selene questioned her mate.

In the crib next to Jane, Heath let out what appeared to be a giggle. She stared down at him as he opened his eyes and looked back at her. Even though he was barely a week old, there was a knowing look there. Heath had been the one to bring Brayden to Selene when she needed him.

“I think I know.” Jane pointed at the crib.

“Shit! I thought that would only happen when he was inside Selene.” Brayden slapped his forehead in frustration.

“Obviously not.” Selene laughed next to him.

Jane reached into the crib and pulled Heath back into her arms.

“I don’t think your mommy needs to worry about anything happening to her. I think you’ll be looking after her and your daddy. I’m glad. My special little grandson—just like all those around you. Your grandad would have been so proud.”



Kas’mind was still weighed down after watching the autopsy of the shifter earlier. He’d contacted Ethern who was going to see if he could get the body returned and at least give Lynx a decent burial. No one should suffer such humiliation in death, even if they sided with his brother’s monstrous views of the world.

The mansion was quiet. Everyone was sleeping or resting, spending time with their partners, and no babies were crying. It was probably the first time in a long time the pack was so peaceful. Emotions were running high at the moment, and the mansion was usually a hive of activity. Kas relished the silence.