Page 5 of Banishing Regrets

Kas looked between all the figures again. This really wasn’t something he was happy with, but he knew he had to accept what was happening for now. It was his duty to his grandfather.

“I understand,” Kas reluctantly concurred.

“You will make a good alpha one day, Kas,” his grandfather observed, clapping him on the back.

However, Kas knew if he followed the rules he was being taught, then he would be one of the worst alphas in their world. To him, providing a safe place for shifters to live was more important than making a profit. He needed to bide his time, though, until he was in charge and could change the rules. He just had to hope there was a pack left by that time. He’d already seen a few good people leave.

“When you’ve finished those ledgers, I want you to go and check on the family at the Western Grange. They’re late with their rent this month. Apply a little pressure if needed. Should be easy since they’re only fox shifters—you’ll tower above them,” his grandfather crowed, but Kas had no intention of applying pressure to anyone. If they were late with money, he would find out why and try to help them in any way he could.

Kas turned his attention back to the books in front of him, and for a few moments, they worked together in silence. His grandfather studied a group of assembled pictures on his desk while Kas tried to make sense of the horrifying amounts of money coming in to his grandfather on a regular basis.

“What do you think of her?” His grandfather threw a picture down in front of Kas. It was of a woman. “She looks like she’s got big tits.”

Kas shifted his eyes to the woman’s breasts. They were indeed big. She looked pretty. Her hair was almost white, and she had dark brown eyes.

“She’s pretty enough. Why are you showing me her?” Kas questioned, returning his attention to the books, hoping to finish them soon.

“We need to sort you out with a wife. She’ll have to be a polar bear shifter with good breeding. Hopefully, with a lot of land we can take over as well. Expanding our empire, so to speak.” His grandfather winked at him, but Kas’ heart sank.

He’d known this conversation would come at some point. His brother would be free to choose a wife, any woman he wanted, but not Kas. He would need to marry to further the endeavors of the pack. She would need to be a suitable polar bear shifter, not a woman he loved.

“I’ll read the file later,” Kas responded with defeat in his voice. “We don’t want to leave it too late to have me married off.” He tried to sound a bit more positive with his second comment, but even he could tell it sounded fake.

He flipped to the last page of the ledger.

“I’ve finished,” he informed his grandfather.

“Good boy. Go check on the Western Grange, and then you can join the rest of your friends for some play.” Kas’ grandfather clapped him on the back again, but all the young polar bear shifter could do was look at the fading light outside. There would be no time for play today.

“Thank you for teaching me, Grandfather.” Kas expressed his gratitude as he got up from his chair and made his way toward the door. He knew his grandfather appreciated his thanks, and Kas had a game to play in order to survive until he took over the pack.

“You will be the best, Kas. I’ve a lot of faith in you,” his grandfather replied, and Kas left the room, shutting the door behind him.

His mood was sour as he stomped along the corridors.

How was this a life?

How was this a future?

His mood grew even worse as he made his way toward the front entrance of the mansion. He flung the door open and barged, head first, into a warm body.

A female.

A human, his senses told him.

Her eyes went wide as she struggled with her balance at the top of the steps to the entrance. Her arms swung wildly as she tried to prevent herself from falling, but the impetus that kept Kas moving forward sent her tumbling. He leaped into action and managed to catch her just before she hit the ground and did any damage to herself.

As he looked into her grateful eyes, something within him sparked.

A feeling he’d never known before.

She was his.

His mate.

Shit! This wasn’t good.

He helped the girl to her feet.