“Because it shows just how important all this is.” Jane sobbed next to Kas. “How important you are.”
“Tell me,” Brayden demanded as he pulled Selene closer to him.
She reached out, and taking his hand, she placed it where their child grew in her womb. Together they would give Brayden the comfort he needed.
“Your father died a hero in so many people’s eyes and not least in the eyes of the multi-shifters. They knew of Selene’s importance to our fight in the future, but they also knew of yours. You saw earlier how Molly’s love helped Hayden control his powers as a dragon. Well, your love will do the same for Selene and so much more. Without you, Selene would not be able to touch the bones. Their power would kill her. The two of you together are the key, and your father, along with Jane and I, knew that.” Kas lowered his head. “So did my brother and grandfather. Fate is a cruel master sometimes. When you were a young boy, Nuka led you into a trap. There was nothing we could do to stop it. My grandfather was lying in wait.” Kas paused again, and Selene felt Brayden squeeze her more tightly. “Your father had a split second to make his decision—the fate of the world or his life. He didn’t hesitate. As my grandfather attacked, your father protected you and saved your life. I arrived a few moments later with other members of the pack, and we retaliated against my grandfather. He lost his life, and I took over as alpha that day. I mourned my best friend and vowed never to let anything happen to you. The memories were wiped from your mind to allow you to grow into the man you are now, the one Selene needs. We made decisions that influenced your future. It’s why we’ve never told you the truth before.”
The entire cave around them was eerily devoid of any emotion as Kas finished speaking. Brayden turned around and looked at the bones on the ground. He let go of Selene and stepped forward and picked one up.
“My father died for this?” Brayden finally spoke.
“Yes,” Kas replied solemnly.
“He died saving me because of a prophecy made by a seer centuries ago.” Brayden threw the bone down onto the cave floor in disgust, and Selene watched as it landed beside her. “Why do we have to live in a world ruled by prophecies and fables? Why can’t we make our own decisions and live the life we choose? Have you ever thought that believing these stories might be the reason we now face annihilation at the hands of the humans?”
The anger was radiating off Brayden, and Selene felt the waves of emotion slamming into her. She placed her hand on her stomach and became lost in her thoughts as Brayden continued to rant in the background.
Protect your child. Sacrifice all.
Selene’s thoughts focused on the one true path in her life. She knelt down and reached out slowly for the dragon bone lying by her foot. The instant she touched it, she felt the power of the mythological beast. It was so intense it knocked her backward onto the floor.
“What the fuck?” Brayden was at her side. “What have you done, Selene?”
“Saved our child, just like your father did,” Selene cried out as the first wave of powerful change came over her.
The world around her shrank as she grew in size. Her body changed, sharp spikes appeared on her back, and her skin turned into black and white spotted scales. Teeth, horns, and a long tail—they all grew from her body as the power of the dragon-magic took over.
She instantly knew the moment the transformation was completed, and she let out an almighty roar that echoed around the cave.
Selene’s destiny was fulfilled.
Brayden stared up at her.
“Get on my back,” she ordered via their telepathic link and knelt down so he could do as she requested.
He quickly clambered up, and she felt him hold tightly to one of the spikes on her back. Her belly was swollen still with the child inside her—he or she was now probably in dragon form too. Whatever Selene touched, so did her child.
Selene looked down at Kas and Jane, small in comparison to her now. She snorted a breath out of her snout before testing her wings. She flapped them hard, and in an instant, she and Brayden disappeared out of the cave and into the night sky.
“Just one more push,”Jane reassured Selene.
Her daughter-in-law was in the final stages of labor.
Jane’s son, Brayden, held his wife tightly. “You can do this, Selene.”
“I’m so tired,” Selene moaned loudly.
“I know, but you’re also brave,” Jane encouraged.
Jane stroked Selene’s hand as she looked to where several of the female shifters in the pack were helping to bring her grandchild into the world. Selene and Brayden had wanted to have the birth in hospital, but with the anti-shifter movement and the fact their child could be born in any random form, because he was a multi-shifter like his mother, it wasn’t possible.
“You can do this.” Brayden kissed his mate’s forehead, and Jane lost herself in the memories of when she was giving birth to Brayden.
She remembered how her late husband, Heath, had cradled her to his chest to protect her. He’d told her afterward that the snow leopard within him had cried out in agony, knowing his mate was in pain and not being able to do anything about it. Some years later, she’d experienced that feeling of despair for herself when she saw Heath’s dead body and knew she could do nothing to bring him back to life. It had almost killed her, but with the birth of Selene and Brayden’s child, there was hope in the world again.
“Just think, after the birth, you won’t randomly turn into a different shifter, depending on what your baby is feeling,” Emma, the lioness who had her own twin children, chuckled.