“She’s my partner, and as I can’t be with her during the meal, I’m determined to have her at my side for now,” I inform the king.
“She has no rank. She has no right to be in a greeting line, especially in the position you’ve placed her. It makes a mockery of our seniority.” My father’s cheeks flush with anger.
At that moment, the master of ceremonies calls out the names of the first guests to be introduced.
“Looks like we’ll have to argue about it later, Your Majesty.”
I hold firmly to Elodie’s hand as my father reluctantly takes his place in the line. He knows he can’t argue with me without it causing more of a scene and the guests witnessing it.
“You’ll pay for this later, Dalton.” He glares at me as the first couple enters.
I ignore him.
The next hour passes in a blur of people and different faces, names, and titles. Every time I steal a look at Elodie, I’m relieved to see she is taking it all in. She’s curtsying when she needs to and is shaking hands at all other times and making small talk. Occasionally, I take her hand and squeeze it to show her she’s doing well. A beaming smile adorns her face.
Eventually, Mr. Johnson reaches us.
“Mr. Johnson.”
He bows to me.
“Prince Dalton, it is a pleasure to see you again.”
“Likewise. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well, Your Highness.”
I speak a little louder so I know my father will hear what I’m about to say.
“Good. Clement Woodrow has been keeping me informed of your business ventures. I must say I’m very interested in your ideas for the future.” I smile at him as I speak. I’m pretty certain he’s not even aware that I know of his plans.
“Er…thank you,” he stammers in shock. “Perhaps you would like to hear them for yourself, Your Highness?” he dares to ask.
“I would,” I respond, my voice now at its loudest. “But I have a favor to ask of you. I understand from tonight’s seating plan you are seated next to my partner, Miss Nash. I wonder if you would be so kind as to accompany her to the table and bestow your favor on her for the evening.”
“Dalton.” My father growls to my left. I ignore him.
Mr. Johnson’s eyes flick between me and the king, uncertain what to do.
“I think you’ll find she’s also very interested in your ideas for the future of the country and will be more than willing to hear them out,” I summate, just to add more salt into the wounds I’m inflicting on my father today.
“I would be more than honored to accompany Miss Nash. Thank you for allowing me the duty, Your Highness.”
I reach for Elodie’s gloved hand and offer it to Mr. Johnson. He takes it, and with a smile back at me, he leads Elodie into the banqueting hall, bypassing my father.
Once the rest of the guests have been greeted, it’s time for me to escort Alexandra to her seat. We walk behind my father, who would normally keep his head forward and bask in the adulation of the crowd, but tonight he frequently turns back to look at me. I know I’ve gotten under his skin.
Elodie has done nothing wrong this evening. She’s been everything my father wants her to be. It’s me who has shown my true colors. I’m finally learning, and I don’t think I’ll be stopping anytime soon.
“This is our only visit today, isn’t it?” Dalton asks as I flick through Instagram on my phone.
My yoga students have posted lots of photos from the lesson they had yesterday on the beach. All their positions are perfect, and they look so relaxed. I’ve barely had a chance to do any yoga since I came here. With all the events taking place throughout the day, I’m totally exhausted in the evenings—mentally from having to remember everything I have to do and and physically from the strains put on my body, standing in heels for most of the day. No wonder Dalton is so fit and doesn’t appear to do much exercise, not that he wears heels.
I chuckle at that thought, and Dalton looks at me.