The next twenty-four hours blur into one as various people come and go around me, telling me what I need to do and say. I’m assigned a personal bodyguard by Dalton, who eventually takes me home. However, having done so, it’s decided it’s not safe for me to stay there, and I’m immediately returned to Serendipity, like I’m a child being shuffled around. It’s not how I choose to live my life. I’m a free spirit, and I need to make my own decisions.
Eventually, I’m able to escape to the yoga studio to try and calm my mind. Lying on the floor in Savasana, I shut my eyes and listen to the silence of nothing around me. I intently focus on my breathing, taking deep breaths in and holding for five seconds before exhaling out all the tension in my body. My mind relaxes, and I find myself falling into deep meditation.
I’m walking through a field of long grass, and my arms are stretched out, allowing my hands to stroke the tips of the feathery, grass seed-heads. The sun shines warmly down, and birds fly around me as I stop in the middle of the field. I’m content and happy. Relaxed. Suddenly, in front of me, a man in a formal suit appears. His face is blurry, at first, but eventually morphs into Dalton’s. He’s smiling at me with happiness. I smile back and reach out for his hand. He wraps his strong fingers around mine, and we stroll through the field together. Always together.
I bring my focus back to my body, wiggling my fingers and toes and rolling my head from side to side. I come back to consciousness with a sense of calm and happiness from the vision of Dalton.I need to find a field just like that.
The first thing I see as I open my eyes and sit up is Dalton in a cross-legged pose on the floor in front of me. A smile crosses my face
“How long have you been here?” I ask, shocked I didn’t hear him come in.
“Not long, you were in deep meditation. I didn’t want to wake you, and I think I made the right decision. It’s the first time I’ve seen you smile since we got off the yacht.” Dalton moves closer to me, as I sit cross legged on the floor, and takes my hands in his.
“I’m sorry. The last twenty-four hours have been a bit crazy, and I just needed to center myself again. I hope I haven’t worried you. You have enough to deal with.”
“I’ve been worried you’d head for the hills, especially when you were brought back to Serendipity until your house could be made more secure.”
I shake my head. “I admit it has crossed my mind, once or twice, but I want to be here with you. It’s a period of change, and I struggle a little bit with that. As long as I can come here every day and spend time meditating, then I’ll be fine.”
I let go of Dalton’s hands and get to my feet, ready to tidy and prepare for the class in an hour. After an influx of requests for bookings, the list of those taking part has been closed to only my regular clients. I have to admit that makes me happy. I know anyone else would be more interested in my relationship with Dalton than yoga. Especially as Dalton wants to continue attending the yoga classes.
“I will always make sure you have time for yoga, no matter what. It’s becoming really important to me as well.” Dalton gets to his feet and follows me over to the pile of equipment we use for the lessons.
“Your Royal Highness, are you going to help me prepare for the lessons? Isn’t that below your status?” I tease with a wink.
“I’m at your service, my lady.” Dalton bows to me. “Besides, Hinchbootie was boring me with my father’s latest set of rules, and I needed to escape. I have nothing better to do for the next hour or so.”
I throw my head back and laugh.
“Mr. Hinchbottom does like his rules. I bet he’s delighted your father is bringing in new ones.” I think back to the royal protocol lessons I’ve secretly been taking. Mr. Hinchbottom is a walking reference manual for the royal family. I’m glad I went to him and asked for his help. Even if, as yet, I haven’t needed to demonstrate what I’ve learned. When Dalton and I are alone together, there are no formal rules between us that need to be observed. It’s something we both prefer.
And as for the garlic ban…that’s not happening at all.No one takes my garlic bread away from me.
“I’ll just rely on Hinchbootie to point me in the right direction when necessary. For the time being, I’m enjoying my freedom. What can I do to help you?” Dalton offers, picking up a mat.
He’s continued to pleasure me since our time on the yacht, but having found my center again, I know how I want to spend the next hour before class. I take the mat from his hand and drop it on the floor. Raising an eyebrow at him, I walk around the room drawing the blinds. Dalton watches me with a heated gaze. I lock the door before turning back to face him.
“What do you have planned for me, Miss Nash?”
I walk over to him with an exaggerated sway of my hips. I see him notice, and he opens his mouth and lets out a groan. When I reach him, I press a kiss to his lips before lowering myself down to my knees in front of him. My eyes cast upward to his.
“There’s something I’ve never done. I’ve sucked dick before, but I’ve never swallowed. I kind of thought if a man couldn’t please me, why should I do it for him, but I want to do that with you, Dalton. Show me what you like.”
I reach out and stroke Dalton’s already rigid member that’s tenting the flimsy fabric of his training shorts.
“Are you sure?” he asks, settling his hand on top of my head.
Dalton lowers his shorts, and his cock pops out with a bounce. I gasp at the size of it. On the video I saw of him having sex, I didn’t see this part of him. It was just his backside, and I thought that looked like a piece of marbled artwork, but his cock could win competitions with its beauty.
Leaning forward, I lick the tip and taste the saltiness of pre-cum there.
“Jesus, Elodie, I don’t think I’m going to last long. I’ve been hard for so long now.”
“You’ve not masturbated?” I look up, shocked.