“My life is dictated by tradition. I’ve told you that before. The school I attended, my time in the army, and that sort of stuff. It’s not just the bigger things, though, it’s the smaller ones as well. I always have to walk behind my mother and father. The first time I see my father in the morning, I have to bow to him and greet him as His Majesty. I have to wear certain clothing around the palace at certain times.”
“Wow, it sounds terrifying. I never called my parents anything other than Mom and Dad. We often had dinner in our pjs on a lazy day because it was comforting.”
I recall the carpet picnics my family and I used to have on Saturday evenings, watching trash TV. The memories from my childhood are so vivid, even after all these years. I hope they never fade.
“I yearn for something like that. I’ve never called my father, Dad. It’s just not acceptable. He’s the king, the ruler of a country, and dictator of rules.”
“That seems a little sad.” I take a mouthful of brandy.
“It is, but it’s all I know, so I don’t really think about it. It’s the way things are run to make sure the country functions.” Dalton shrugs as he finishes his brandy.
“But will you be that way with your wife and children?” I ask. I don’t think I could live that sort of life.
Dalton sighs. “This is a depressing subject. Why don’t we talk about much happier things, like when can we repeat the interaction we had on the bed earlier?”
“What time are we returning to the harbor in the morning?”
“Not before ten.”
“Then I think you better meet me at the swimming pool early,” I tease, but the nagging doubt in my head about Dalton’s way of life persists. Getting to my feet, Dalton instantly stands as well. “I think I’m going to try and get some sleep. It’s been a busy day, and my mind is racing.”
“Good idea. Would you like me to escort you to your bedroom?”
I know Dalton isn’t asking if we can sleep together. He promised no pressure, and he means it, but I shake my head.
“No, you stay and finish your coffee. I’m sure you have important matters of state to deal with.”
“After that meal, I’ll probably fall asleep before I’ve finished reading one sentence of a letter.” Dalton laughs. He comes to me and kisses me on the lips.
“Thank you for tonight. I had a lovely time.” I let him know I’ve enjoyed myself before leaving him alone with his thoughts.
His father’s words from earlier in the day still echo in my head.
‘She knows nothing about royal protocols.’
I don’t. I know nothing about being the girlfriend of a royal family member, and the more I get to know Dalton, the more I’m falling for him. It’s scaring me, and I think there’s only one person who can help me. Heading straight past my bedroom, I make my way to Mr. Hinchbottom’s cabin.
I knock lightly on the door, not wanting to wake him if he’s asleep, but he appears immediately. He’s dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, not his usual formal suit. It shocks me, and I bite my lip, not knowing where to look.
“Are you all right, Miss Nash? Is His Highness, all right?” Mr. Hinchbottom asks.
“I’m fine. Dalton is in the lounge.” He winces at my use of his prince’s name. “Sorry, His Highness is in the lounge. I wanted to ask you something, though.”
“Of course, Miss Nash. Would you like to come in?” He holds the door open for me, and I enter the room. It’s just as luxurious as the other cabins but smaller. “How can I help you?”
“This is probably a silly request, but earlier when Dal…the prince talked to the king, the king mentioned I wouldn’t know any royal protocols.” I feel ridiculous being here like a child begging a teacher for extra help. “I think, well, I know I like the prince, and I think, well, I know he feels the same about me, even if we did get off on the wrong foot. I don’t know if it will go anywhere, especially with what the king said earlier, but I don’t want to be unprepared or cause embarrassment if this thing between us continues.” The entire time I speak, my hands fidget together with my fingers entwined.
“I’m not sure I fully understand, Miss Nash?” Mr. Hinchbottom looks at me in confusion.
“Would you teach me the rules and protocols, please, so I know how to behave around Dalton? Could you tell me what is expected of me? I see you wince every time I call him by his name, and I’m guessing that’s wrong. Please,” I blurt out.
Mr. Hinchbottom breaks out in a smile.
“Of course, I’ll teach you everything you need to know because I agree with you. I think this relationship has potential. The prince has grown up a lot in just the last few days. You are a good influence on him. The only thing I ask is you don’t become too bogged down in the protocols—he likes you for who you are. I may wince every time you call him by his name but don’t stop. Do we have a deal?” Mr. Hinchbottom holds his hand out to me. I reach out and shake it.
“You mustn’t tell him, though,” I plead.
“I won’t.”