The soft nature of his touch sends chills all over my body. It’s not a long kiss, but when he pulls away, looking satisfied with himself, my body certainly feels alive.
“I won’t be another notch on your bedpost,” I repeat my adamant declaration from our first meeting.
“I don’t expect you to be. Something is happening between us. This may sound strange, but I don’t want to sleep with you…okay, if you said you wanted to, I’d be up for it because I think you're hot, but there’s a massive part of me that just wants to get to know you better. Say you’ll come out on a boat with me tomorrow?”
I lean forward, and this time, I give Dalton a kiss, needing to make sure the feelings his touch ignited in my body are real. They are, and pulling back, I nod my acceptance.
“Did you manage to sort out the yacht?” I shout at Hinchbootie as I emerge from the shower, and he stands in my bedroom with his usual irate expression on his face.
“I did. It’ll be ready for use at the harbor in half an hour. I’ve arranged for a driver to collect Miss Nash and take her there.” Hinchbootie hands me my shirt.
“Good, I’m looking forward to this. I’ve not really explored much of the area, and I really want to see it while I’m here.” I pull the shirt over my head and lower the towel slung around my hips. Hinchbootie turns away as I dress the lower half of my body in underwear and a pair of shorts. “Thank you for organizing this and not lecturing me.”
“I don’t know what you mean, Your Highness.” Hinchbootie checks the time on his watch.
“I know I’m supposed to be a monk while I’m here, but I like Elodie’s company, and I want to learn more about her. I’ve never wanted that from a woman before. I know my parents will probably lose it when they find out I’ve not been sitting around moping, but I think Elodie is good for me. Not just as a potential lover but spiritually as well.”
The personal secretary raises an eyebrow at me. “Should I start looking for a yoga teacher in Janastria?”
I laugh in return, and we make our way out of the apartments and into the waiting car, which speeds us away from Serendipity.
“Did you bring some work or something to entertain yourself with while we’re on the trip?” I ask the personal secretary. I don’t want him sitting with us, watching us all the time.
“I did. I actually thought I might take some of the day off. I have an interesting book I’ve been meaning to read. I thought I’d find a pleasant spot in the shade and relax for once.”
“Good for you.”
I’m happy that he plans to rest. I don’t think he’s stopped once on this trip, carrying out work for my father and me at the same time. I know my father had him accompany me because he was sure Hinchbootie would be the only person who could keep me under control. At least the old man was right about one thing. I’ve not craved any form of debauchery since I arrived here, although I think Elodie is the main reason for that.
We pull up to the harbor, and Elodie is already standing there, waiting for us with two of my bodyguards. I jump out of the car before it’s fully come to a halt and make my way over to her.
“Is this the boat we’re going on?” Her eyes are wide open with shock.
“Yes, is something wrong with it?” I ask, instantly concerned.
“I-it’s—it’s like a full-on cruise ship,” she stammers.
“Not really. It’s a yacht. From memory, it’s two hundred feet, has nine bedrooms and a staff of twenty-two.”
“Nine bedrooms! I thought we’d be on a small fishing boat without bedrooms.”
I hold my hands up in surrender.
“It doesn’t mean anything. Honestly, I’m not going to pounce on you. I want us to enjoy the day. If we choose to take it into the night, in separate rooms, then we can. I don’t want to rush anything today. I just want to enjoy being at sea. It looks so inviting.”
“All right, sorry for overreacting.”
“You didn’t. It probably is a bit big, but I’m afraid I’m used to the best, and although I’m trying my hardest not to be too over the top, I can’t help it all the time. I like my luxury.”
“Well, I have to say it certainly appears that way.” Elodie smiles at me before looking over at the yacht.
“I’ve even had a room set-up as a yoga studio so we can practice.”
“I think I might have created a yoga monster in you.”