Make sure you listen to your body, Dalton.I keep reminding myself while we do the second round of breathing.
The burning sensation hits my legs as the lactic acid builds in my body.
Keep going. You are better than this.
No, stop!The thought hits me.
I come out of the pose and lower my body to sit on the floor. My body was telling me to stop, so I did. My heart beats fast in my chest as I realize I listened to myself for probably the first time ever.
I’m shocked, but when I look up at Elodie, the smile of pride on her face makes me realize I’ve just made the most significant step forward in my life—more than anything else I’ve done before.
The rest of the lesson passes without incident. I listen when my body tells me to stop, and when we do a final relaxation, I find myself drifting off to sleep.
At the end, Elodie comes straight up to me.
“That was amazing. You did so well.”
“My legs filled with lactic acid, and I knew I had to stop. It was an incredible feeling to do that.”
“I’m so proud of you.” Elodie wraps her arms around me in a warm embrace.
I’m not sure what to do initially as my family isn’t exactly known for its affection. I eventually return the embrace, and when we pull back, Elodie’s cheeks are bright red with embarrassment.
“I’m sorry. I probably just broke so many protocols.”
“One or two, but I don’t mind. I’ve never been one for rules.” I laugh. “Listen, I wondered whether you’d like to join me for lunch today? I promise no jokes about yoga. I’ve been proven wrong on that score. In fact, I think I’ve found a new hobby.”
“Another convert.” Elodie playful punches the air. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.”
“Excellent. I think I’d like to go to the beach with you. I’ll have a picnic prepared for us. Meet me at my apartments at one.”
“When you said you’d arrange a picnic for us on the beach, I expected a couple of sandwiches and a cake. Not a full-scale BBQ with freshly caught fish!” I fork another mouthful of the delicious red snapper into my mouth. It’s coated in a lemon and lime sauce and is probably the best dish I’ve ever eaten.
“I couldn’t resist it from the moment the chef talked about fresh fish. I knew I needed to treat you after being such a jerk last week.”
“I won’t mind if you’re a jerk every day if this is the result.” I swallow my last mouthful of the fish and lick my lips to taste more of the irresistible flavor.
“Does that mean you’ll have lunch with me again?” Dalton raises an eyebrow at me.
“If it means I get food like this, then I could see it becoming a regular thing,” I tease him before taking my finger and sliding it through the sauce left on the plate.
As I bring my finger to my mouth, I realize what I’m doing—it’s probably the worst manners he’s ever seen. We are using the finest silver cutlery at this beach lunch. I’m sure Prince Dalton is not the sort of person who licks his plate clean like a dog, just because it’s one of the best things he’s ever eaten.
“Sorry,” I mumble and quickly wipe my finger on a napkin.
“Why?” His brows furrow.
“Not exactly good etiquette.” I wish the table would open up and swallow me whole.
“Maybe not, but when something tastes this good,” Dalton takes his own finger and runs it through the leftover sauce on his plate before putting his finger in his mouth and sucking it clean.
I laugh out loud as I do the same again. We both continue to use our fingers to clean our plates until they are pretty much spotless.
“That really was a delicious meal.” I sit back in my chair, sipping the sparkling water I’ve been drinking. I’m not one for having alcohol with my lunch. It tends to make me sleepy.