I don’t bother to look back at my personal secretary. I already know his eyes will be wide as saucers and his look incredulous.
“Your Highness, is that wise? It’s not long since you were hurt. I wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened. You were in a lot of pain, I seem to remember.” Hinchbootie averts his eyes as I change out of my swimming trunks and into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll make sure Miss Nash doesn’t get me into another advanced tree position.”
“Sir,” the tone of Hinchbootie’s voice is soft but stern at the same time, “Do you really think this is wise?”
I stop just in front of him, towering over him in stature. “Yes, I do. I think Miss Nash is the only person in America, probably the world, who can give me what I need to become the king my father wants me to be. She’s the only person to ever say no to me and stand up to me when I want to do something crazy. So, I think learning yoga and seeing Miss Nash will be the best therapy I will ever have.”
“As you wish, sir. Maybe I’ll join you.” I don’t want him in the lesson. He’ll be telling me to stop and not push myself, every few minutes.
“No, I’ll take one of the bodyguards. You have a lot of work to do. Get that done, and I know you’ll be a lot happier.”
Hinchbootie goes to open his mouth again to try and argue against my decision, but I don’t wait to listen. I push past him and into the main living area of the apartment.
“You.” I point to the bodyguard who attended the last session with me. “I’m going to yoga again, and you can accompany me as you were so good at it last time.”
His face pales, but he doesn’t complain. He’s on his feet in no time. He’s already dressed casually, so we make our way out of the apartment and toward the studio.
Elodie’s clients are already milling around when I get there. A few come over to me and check on my health. They all say they are glad I’ve decided to come back.
When Elodie sees me, her face illuminates, and she instantly comes over to join me.
“Your Highness, I didn’t realize you were coming. How are you?”
“I’m much better, thank you.”
“You must take things easier today. Listen to your body, please,” Elodie pleads with me, and I nod my agreement.
“I will. It’s not been a good week. I really don’t want to have another injury. I’d rather be exploring Florida than laid up in bed. There’s so much to see here.”
“There is. It’s not much of a vacation if you don’t get to do at least a few of the tourist attractions. I bet you haven’t even been to Disney yet.”
“I haven’t, so I plan on taking it very easy in the session today. Disney is a must.”
Elodie laughs, and it fills the room with her warmth and the genuine good nature of her character.
“Why don’t you come over here.” She points to a position near her. “I can keep an eye on you and give you alternate moves if anything starts to hurt.”
I follow her over to the space. My bodyguard collects mats for us both, and we take our places.
Elodie starts the lesson off with her relaxation walk-through. Last time, I’d found myself drifting off when she was speaking, but this time, I hang on to her every word. By the end of it, I feel the tension in my muscles relax in preparation for the session.
“I just want to reiterate, if anything hurts during these poses, I want you to stop and sit back down in Shavasana. Don’t push yourselves.” Elodie stresses the last bit, and I feel all the eyes in the room land on me.
“Don’t worry, I plan on being sensible today. My personal secretary complains far too much. He’s been driving me insane the last few days.”
“A valuable lesson learned, I think, Your Highness.” Elodie winks at me.
“Please, all of you, while I’m here, it’s Dalton.”
“Our first pose is going to beTrikonasana or the triangle pose. Make sure you remain steady.”
Elodie shows us how to get into position. I find it all right. I can feel a stretch but nothing significant. It seems odd, listening to my body—it’s a strange feeling I’ve not experienced before, and it’s telling me I’ve got the ability to do this.
“And come slowly out of your pose. Well done, everyone. That was amazing. You all had a perfect form. I’m going to extend it now. I want you to lower the pose, and we’re going to hold it for a bit longer this time.”
I do as Elodie instructs and feel the stretch is more intense this time. My bodyguard doesn’t go as low as me.