Chapter 26
I stand back watching, full of pride, as Izzy, dressed uncharacteristically in a designer summer dress with her long dark hair in two French braids, runs straight into the arms of her mama. I’ve never seen two people so happily reunited. Elise holds Izzy slightly away from her, and I can tell she’s making sure she’s not been harmed by the man now emerging from the top-of-the-range Chevrolet truck.
“Are you ok?” Elise questions, and Izzy nods she’s fine.
“Hey, kiddo,” I greet her as well, making sure not to show too much affection toward the little girl in case I antagonize her deranged father.
The courts were not happy that Simon had lied to them in order to get sole custody of Izzy. He was warned if he did it again, he would lose all rights to her. It only took a few minutes for it to be decided that it was best for Izzy if they shared custody. I’m not sure how it’s going to work with Elise living in New Orleans and Simon, with his glittering action movie hero career, in Hollywood. However, I suspect fighting for custody of Izzy was just a part of his plan to get at Elise, so he won’t be demanding his rights to his little girl too often. Mind you, I’m sure she’ll be happy, not having to spend too much time with her father.
“Hi, Mr. Leo. That Argentinian tango was amazing. You made Mama look hot. Can you teach me to do the leg kicks?”
“Sure thing. Only if your mama agrees, though.”
“I think she can learn a few. As long as she doesn’t practice them with any boys.” Elise laughs, and its beauty fills the air around us. It’s a wonderful sound and has been sorely lacking from her recently.
“Boys are yucky. Sam’s the only half decent one, and that’s because he’s good at baseball.” Izzy scrunches up her nose.
“Well, I hope you continue with those thoughts about boys. It would be a welcome change to your mother’s attitude toward them.” Simon arrives on the doorstep of Elise’s house and insults the woman I love.
“We mind our manners and what we say on this property,” I retort and fold my arms across my chest.
“I wasn’t aware that you lived here. Elise didn’t state that in the court papers. Maybe I should go back to my lawyer and inform him that Elise was lying on her declarations.”
Elise steps in front of me,
“He doesn’t live here. I’ve not lied. Leo is simply stating the rules of my home.”
“Good to know.” Simon backs down, and from behind Elise, I glare at him.
I really want to smack him in the face and wreck his pretty boy looks. What did she ever see in him? He’s a slimy git with no style or substance to him in any way. He loves no one but himself. It’s frustrating he’s still involved in Izzy’s life and therefore in Elise’s, but it’s something we’ll have to live with for the time being.
“I bought Izzy some more suitable clothes. The only things sent over with her were shorts and t-shirts. I’ll leave them here for her to wear. I don’t think it’s appropriate for her to be photographed by the press looking uncouth.”
Elise reaches out to me and takes my hand. She squeezes it tightly, and I know she’s trying to suppress my temptation to answer Simon back. We discussed how this meeting would go beforehand. She knew Simon would insult her at every turn, and we both just needed to stay calm and smile politely. I promised her I’d try. I’ve only got so much ability to ignore the asshole, but I have got years of experience of plastering on a fake smile in the dancing world, so that’s what I do.
“I can assure you that when she’s on this property, Izzy is safe from press intrusion, but I’ll be certain to make sure she’s suitably dressed when we’re out and about—in case we’re photographed,” Elise’s response is well worded.
I know she has no intention of putting Izzy in dresses that, no doubt, have an astronomical price tag and are in no way suitable for a child. Even I’ve learned children get dirty just by looking at a piece of play equipment or an ice cream sundae, no matter how hard you try to keep them clean. They are dirt magnets, not just to themselves but also to you. I wouldn’t change Izzy for the world, though. She’s the best kid I know. She’s bright, happy and full of enthusiasm for a world that hasn’t always done right by her.
Simon grunts his approval of Elise’s response. His hands are in his pockets, and he’s dressed in a white linen suit. He looks like he’s dressed up for this meeting. Elise is in leggings and a long top. I’m in shorts and a t-shirt. We’ve both been training in the house all morning for the final.
“Mama, can I go and check on my room please?” Izzy asks, and Elise nods.
The little girl runs into the house, slamming the door behind her and without a backward glance at her father.
“Look, we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other while sharing custody of Izzy. I don’t want tensions every time we have a handover.” Elise tries to reason with Simon. “Why don’t you come in, and we can discuss how things will proceed for the future? I made a cake earlier, and I’ve just brewed a pot of fresh tea.”
“Do I look like I eat cake?” Simon instantly retorts. “I’m starting filming a new movie next week. I need to be in top fitness.” He shakes his head and blows out his cheeks as if he’s frustrated with Elise’s offer of cake. “But I agree for Izzy’s sake we should try to dispel some of the tension. I’ll come in and have tea, but I want it to be just the two of us having this discussion. Mr. Westwood is not a part of this.”
“I’m not leaving you alone with Elise,” I instantly interject, adamant on this point.
“It’s fine, Leo. I promise.” Elise turns to me. “I need to do this for myself. It’s for Izzy after all.”
“Elise.” I raise an eyebrow at her.