Page 56 of Easy Rumba

“Domestic violence?” The words hang heavy on my lips.

“Yes, I’ve been put in touch with a refuge in LA where women have gone after leaving their abusive partners. I’m going to follow them as they try to set up a new life. I know it won’t be easy for many of them. It wasn’t for me, but it is possible. We’re both living proof of that.”

I snort a subdued laugh.

“Are we? I’m not sure I’m proof of anything at the moment.”

“You are. You’re standing up to your ex-husband, despite what he’s throwing at you. And you’re getting your career back on track. I can see you acting in Hollywood again soon. I bet you get the Oscar this time.”

“Leah.” I open my mouth to tell her that I’ve no intention of standing up to Simon, and that as soon as I get Izzy back, I’m going to run and hide.But then she smiles at me with a look so full of pride for what she perceives I’m doing, and I can’t bear to disillusion her. So instead, I say simply, “You’ll be the one winning prizes for your documentary, I’m sure.”

Thankfully, Leo chooses that moment to return to my side. He opens the drink and chips he’s brought over and places them down in front of me.

“Eat,” he orders with a caring tone.

“I’d better get back to preparing for the results show.” Leah finishes her drink and bids us farewell.

She’s a brave woman with more courage than I’ll ever have. I can’t wait to see the documentary she makes.

“You all right?”

Leo picks up the pot of sugar and starts to pour it into his drink.

“I’m fine,” I lie. “The tiredness is finally hitting me. I’m looking forward to sleeping tomorrow.”

“Me too.” He winks.

“Can we get everybody back on stage for the results please?” one of the shows runners calls us, and I leave the untouched food and drink behind as we get into our positions.

My mind isn’t really listening to what is happening. The whole concept of moving on and never performing again is devastating. Is there a chance I could get my career back? Simon has voided the contracts now, so why can’t I? Leah is going to stand before an entire American television audience and admit she was beaten by her partner. Is it really that hard to do? Was I wrong to dismiss it as a possibility? No, I can’t. I’d look too weak. I’m not strong enough to do that. Unless I can truly show the world what Simon is like? I might not be able to talk about what he did to me, but what if I could show everyone the abusive side of Simon? Maybe there is a chance. Maybe I don’t have to run, and I could be me again.

All of a sudden, Leo picks me up and twirls me around in the air. I don’t know what’s happening, but everyone in the studio is clapping and cheering.

Vanessa approaches me. “Elise, how does it feel to be the first person into the final?”

“The f-final?” I stammer, sounding stupid. “I’m in the final?”

Leo cheers again and presses a kiss to my lips, not caring we’re on television anymore now our relationship is out in the open.

“Yes, you are,” Vanessa adds, trying to nudge a reply from me.

“Well, to quote Denzel, it’s ‘fabulous’.”