Chapter 24
Following Elise through the airport, I can’t help thinking her backside looks stunning in the white pantsuit she’s wearing. Her hair is piled on top of her head and adorned with designer sunglasses. I’m more casual in jeans and a t-shirt. I have to wear suits for my dancing, so if I can get away without putting one on when not performing, I do.
I grab Elise’s hand as we stop just outside the door where the press are waiting for our news conference. It’s this part of fame I hate, having to explain my actions to everyone else when it doesn’t concern them.
“Are you sure you’re all right doing this?” I question, wanting an honest answer from her.
After our love making last night. I think we turned a corner. I know she won’t reveal what Simon did to her. She’s not strong enough for that yet, but she’ll tear him down for lying about us.
“Yes, I didn’t ever want to be back in the spotlight as much as I am now. I wanted to dance and have fun. I need to get back to that, and this is the only way to do it. To confront those baying for our blood because of something that never happened.”
“You do know they may not believe us?”
“I know, but if I can get through to just a few, it could sway opinion, and that’s all we need. My lawyer has filed the joint custody agreement for Izzy. I’ve got numerous letters to prove I’m a good mother, and with the evidence we have that Simon and your father are lying, we’ve got a chance of succeeding. If I can’t get Izzy back solely, I’ll have to think of another way to get her back when I have joint custody.”
“We’re running away.” It suddenly dawns on me.
Elise’s plan is to escape all of this.
“The world’s our oyster, and I have money. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect Izzy.”
I nod and kiss the top of her head.
“And I’ll be right there at your side.”
I don’t like what she’s suggesting one bit. I never want to run from a fight, but I know in her mind, it’s the only solution.
“Let’s get this over and done with. We need to start training for this weekend,” Elise says, surprising me because I thought she wanted to leave the show.
“We’re still doing it then?”
“Yes.” She smiles at me “Have you ever seen the ‘Sound of Music’, when the Von Traps disappear at the end? It could be a good ruse.”
“Are you serious?”
Elise winks at me and then pushes the door open to a flutter of camera lenses opening and shutting. Lights flash as we walk in and make our way to a table at the front of the room. Several of the dance show publicists are on hand to help us if needed, and Elise’s lawyer is already sitting there at the table, but he stands as we approach. She greets him with a kiss, and I shake his hand. He then offers Elise a seat, and she sits down.
Elise pulls the mike toward her and starts to read aloud the statement prepared and agreed by all parties.
“Hello, everyone. Thank you for being here. The sole purpose of this press conference today is to dispel several rumors that have come to light recently. Both Leo and I categorically deny allegations leveled against us by my ex-husband, Mr. Simon French, that we were having an affair during the time I was married to Mr. French. This is not true, and part of the press package you have received today includes lie detector tests confirming this to be the case. Leo Underwood and I had no contact with each other for fourteen year from the time I was eighteen. However, I can confirm now we are in a relationship. Leo is single, and I’ve been single since my divorce from Mr. French more than twelve months ago. My daughter is aware of what is happening between us and has given us her blessing. Leo and I have doing nothing wrong.”
Elise pauses and takes a deep breath. I reach out and squeeze her hand. I know the next part of her speech addresses what happened between our parents.
“Do you want me to read the next part?” I whisper because the mikes in front of us pick up everything. She nods, and I pull the piece of paper over to me.
“Next, I’ll address the rumors concerning my mother and Elise’s father.” I should read exactly what it says on the paper, but it’s all crap, and I know I have to speak from my heart. “Elise and I have just returned from visiting my mother and getting her side of the story that my father has chosen to sell to anyone willing to listen. My mother is a God-fearing Catholic. Her faith and being on the right path in her life is important to her. I believe my mother’s version of what happened without any question, and I don’t think Elise will mind me saying that she does as well. My mother and Elise’s father did have feelings for each other. My father caught them kissing, but that was all. None of the graphic sexual innuendo he’s been selling ever happened. My mother wouldn’t do that. It’s against everything she believes in. Yes, they were discussing plans to leave their partners, but nothing untoward occurred between them. My father walked in on them giving each other a chaste kiss. That is all.” I stop there. Nobody needs to know that it led to the death of Elise’s father. That’s something only family needs to try and come to terms with. “Elise’s father died shortly after this incident, and my parents went their separate ways. My father and I have barely spoken since. He abandoned me and now questions my paternity. It’s all lies, though. I’m his. But he never wanted me in the first place. I was an inconvenience to his work life. That’s the truth behind his stories, and I hope that you’ll not give them anymore time, money or credence.”
I pause for a moment to compose myself. I’ve said a little more than I wanted to say but I hate my father. There I’ve said it. He didn’t need to abandon me as well as my mamá.
I take a deep breath and continue, “My mother is unwell at the moment. She’s been taken to hospital in Spain, and I’ll be flying back there soon to check on her. I ask for the sake of not only her but for the other patients and staff at the hospital that she be left in peace. She’s stated that should a lie detector test be needed from her, she’ll give it when she’s on the road to recovery.” Sadly, it’s something I’m not sure will happen this time.
I reach the end of the matters I can address for Elise. The next part relates to Izzy, and I think it’s important she handles it. I give her the paper back, not that I really used it.
She breathes deeply and continues with her statement.
“Finally, I want to address the rumors that I’m a bad mother to my daughter. I’ve filed for joint custody of Izzy today. I’ve devoted my life to her. I worship her, and I’ll not accept these accusations. I don’t believe my ex-husband is a good enough father for her to be placed with, but I’m not prepared to go into further details about that here. I have witness statements confirming my caring nature toward by daughter, and by proving that Leo and I did not have an affair, I’ve shown Mr. French to be a liar. I’ll be ensuring I get custody of my daughter as soon as possible, and that’s all I’m prepared to say about that. Our lawyers will be doing the talking on this matter in the future.”