Page 36 of Easy Rumba

“This is the best food ever.”

She picks up a pork boudin ball next and pops it into her mouth.

“That’s it. I’m going to start cooking Cajun food!” she exclaims.

“I hope I’ll get an invite for dinner.”

“You might not want to. I haven’t really cooked properly for ages. I wonder if Gabby will give me some lessons?”

I take one of the boudin balls and devour it.

“I’m sure she will.”

“I miss your mamá’s Spanish cooking.”

“I miss it as well. I’m afraid she didn’t pass her cooking genes onto me. I burn toast nine times out of ten.”

“I’m sure that’s not true, but I might look at getting a cook for the future for us.”

We both fall silent at her words.

Eventually Elise says, “If it comes to that, of course.”

“It will.” I reply adamantly and reach out to take her hand.

We eat the rest of our meal in silence, listening to the jazz bands playing on the stage. We finish off our calas, and I go back for another helping. They are so delicious.

“I think they may have to expand the waistband of my dress this week. I’m not going to fit in it after this meal.”

“I think they may have to do the same with my pants and cover up my top half. The dance enthusiasts won’t get to see me with a six pack unless I do a few extra sit-ups.”

“Totally worth it, though.” Elise chuckles, and I agree with a nod of my head.

The music quickens, and a few people start dancing around by the stage, trying to keep to the rhythm with their moves.

“Shall we join them?” I point to the struggling dancers.

“Hell, yes.”

Elise jumps up and leads me to the stage area as more and more people join the dancing, and it turns into an impromptu party. The atmosphere in the room is full of happiness. I don’t know how long we dance for but toward the end even I’m exhausted. Elise steps out and I follow her. She yawns and when I look at my watch I see it’s eleven, we arrived here at six pm. The time has just flown by.

“Shall we get going?”

Elise checks her watch,

“My God, I didn’t realize that was the time. I need to check on Izzy. Gabby will be worried about me.”

We collect all our belongings and step outside. Elise finds her phone in her handbag and calls her friend.

“Hi, I’m so sorry, we lost track of the time,” she apologizes. I can’t hear what Gabby is saying, but I can tell Elise’s friend isn’t upset. “Is Izzy okay? She wasn’t worried.”

We both get into the car as Elise continues her conversation. I help her put on her seat belt.

“Really? You don’t have to. We can come and get her now?”

I cock my head toward Elise, worried something is wrong.

She shakes her head to signify everything is fine.